Reserved for potential CS. Apologies for last minuteness. [hider] Appearance: [img][/img] A young woman with short cut blond hair and honey brown eyes. Almost everything about her is diminutive in size, she is not a very imposing presence by any means. She stands a few inches shorter than most her age, and is traditionally beautiful, although she always wears very covering and humble clothing. Her favorite outfits are anything long and flowing to hide her rather meager size, and white/cream colors are what she prefers. Always around her neck is a small, rough hewn crystal charm which she never takes off. Name: Maya Solaire Age: 16 Personality: Maya is a quiet child who prefers to observe from a distance. She is never one to actively seek or cause conflict. Very slow to anger, but once sparked she can be quiet a force to calm down. Maya hate any injustice and although she is very small, she will rush to the aid of any she feels is being mistreated, whether it be with a verbal chastising or throwing herself in harms way. She derives her self worth from her service to others, and as such will rarely take efforts to help herself and will sacrifice much of her own comfort to ease the suffering of others. Her "gift" often times can cause her to have troubled sleep, and she can become very reclusive easily if she receives too many ominous visions in a short period of time. Maya's mind is almost constantly occupied by worry which takes a toll on her mental health at times. She is overly cautious and somewhat paranoid, yet a kind and gentle soul to those she deems worthy. Backstory: Maya remembers very little of the circumstances of her birth, her first memories transpire in a towering monastery carved from the very mountains of the earth. The sun would always shine brightly down upon the terraces and gardens of the radiant palace. Many came to meditate in hopes of finding somber reflection and holy admonition. The monks worshiped no particular deity, instead the massive shrine was said to have been carved purely from the suns rays. As such, the place became a popular area for farmers and sailors to give tribute directly to the sun in hopes of good weather and bountiful harvests. Located on the border of Edessa and Varyan, the temple was one of the first to be occupied by Varyan soldiers. The Varyans had no interest in pillaging and ransacking the temple, although they did realize it's strategic value and so Varyan soldiers and mercenaries patrolled the great halls and courtyards of the monastery. Shortly after the Varyans arrived, Maya began to have troubling dreams in which the people of the monastery were slaughtered en masse by a mysterious entity. Maya retreated from the sun and spent most of her days hiding in the darker corners of the monastery, attempting to hide from the grisly fate revealed before her. Her dreams became worse and worse, and soon every night she would wade through bloody visions of corpses and creatures. She felt as though the temple was doomed and one evening, in the dead of night she stole away and began to travel northward. Joining up with several groups of refugees (almost all of whom met treacherous fates while she alone escaped unscathed) she slowly made her way deeper and deeper north where she now prepares with her most recent troupe to travel once again... Skills and Abilities: Latent Magic Potential: Although Maya doesn't know it herself, she has latent magic potential. She has never cast a spell or otherwise manifested a supernatural occurrence (that she knows of) but she still carries with her the potential to cast magic. Novice Oracle: Maya has some very limited premonition and future sight. Most of her dreams are just dreams, but sometimes she will see visions of the future (at the GMs discretion of course) Professional Clergy: Maya has spent most of her life in service of the Sun, and thereby knows many rituals and rites related to that sect. She has learned to inspire the meek and humble the strong with the divine "power" of the Sun. Professional Healer: Maya spend a good part of her time with the monks learning how to treat the wounded. She learned very quickly and is something of a natural when it comes to administering medical aid. Journeyman Survival: Maya has spent some time on the road, often alone and has learned many different survival techniques. From crafting snares to starting a fire, she can perform most basic survival actions unassisted. Equipment: Crystal Necklace: An old necklace that Maya has no idea where it came from. She has always had it around her neck and never takes it off. She believes it to be a good luck charm. Entirely mundane (to her knowledge). Stave, Yew, Adorned: Maya carries a stave which is emblazoned with a golden sun at the top. She often keeps the top of the staff covered with a piece of cloth or old sack, as it's radiance often attracts trouble. Robes of the Sun: Maya carries with her a set of her sect's robes. She stole away in a pair of commoners clothes, which by now are in tatters, yet she keeps the robes with her as a reminder. They are in generally good repair and rather ornate. Commoner's Tatters Handcrafted Rope Medium Buckskin Bag Deer Bladder Waterskin Dried Assorted Travel Foods Gathered Dried Medicinal Herbs Improvised Medical Tools (wooden tweezers, handcrafted bandages, etc) Warm Pelts A tiny money pouch with only a few coins ------------------------------- [/hider] Tell me if I need to make any changes or if it's too late to apply anyways. Thanks for your time in reading this.