Heimdal looked upon Miserow as though he were nothing more than annoying fly. Miserow looked at Heimdal as though he wasn't even there. Miserow had been through this all before. The blowhard who talked a good game but rarely could deliver when called upon, or once again more psychological warfare. Miserow had little or no use for such tactics as he found them to be little or no use when trying to survive against someone who's sole purpose was to end your life by the quickest means necessary. Finally Heimdal turned to the side held his left arm parallel with Miserow and bowed his head and closed his eyes. This made Miserow stop for a moment and Heimdal said, "Attack me." Miserow wasn't sure if he heard him as he asked, "What?" Heimdal replied, "I said attack me. Boy." Miserow wasn't one to cave into such tactics as taunting, but he was really getting tired of being called boy. Heimdal said once more, "Attack me boy or do you fear an advisory that is unprepared. Is that it boy? You are afraid of the unknown. That's it isn't it..." Before Heimdal could finish his statement Miserow charged, but Heimdal spun around. Not only did he trip Miserow he hit him with the flat part of the Thraex and then knocked him upside the head with his shield. Miserow fell face first against a rock and busted his nose wide open. He grunted in pain and Heimdal stepped away and said with a chuckle in his voice, "Really boy? You sought to just charge in like a drunken bull full of strength and frustration with no thought to discipline or questioning what was in front of you. This isn't the streets or a prison barge boy! Here you must think. I gave you a bait and you swallowed it! Young fool!" Miserow got back to his feet and wiped away the blood. Miserow shook his head twice and Heimdal replied, "Ahhh back on your feet to be humbled again boy? So be it." Heimdal laid on his back and closed his eyes and said, "Attack again boy!" Miserow charged at Heimdal's head and in one smooth motion Heimdal threw his legs over his head and caught Miserow flush in the chest. As Miserow stumbled back Heimdal sprung to his feet and clubbed Miserow with the flat part of the blade and in the gut with the shield. Heimdal shook his head said, "Really how did you ever survive on the streets and that barge all those years? Did the others take pity on you boy?" MIserow grunted and Heimdal said, "Ahh yes preparing for yet another charge drunken bull, or should I say pregnant cow?" Miserow began to charge and as he did Heimdal rolled away, but this time Miserow rolled with him and hit him in the head with his Thraex and in the chest with his shield. Miserow stood there but Heimdal spun back around and hit Miserow in the nose causing more blood to spray out then landed a shot in the chest again and two more shots on his nose. Miserow stumbled back and Heimdal said, "You thought those blows would be the end of it? Again boy this is not a street fight or a prison barge. You must learn where to hit your adversary at the proper angle and how to press the attack. You have no skill or discipline. You think everything is a one punch and over street fight. This is the arena boy! Learn to use your weapons, learn to think, be disciplined in your movements, and..." Miserow charged again and Heimdal side stepped and hit him in the head. "never show your attack methods." Miserow would charge again and again and Heimdal would side step or block and blast Miserow in his nose. The blood loss, the shots to the head, the heat, and being kicked in punched in many other areas began to take their toll on Miserow. He was now punch-drunk and barely able to stand. Heimdal said, "You've had enough of a lesson this day boy. Back in your position." Heimdal started to walk away and Miserow said in a ragged voice,[B] "Is that all you got? Is that the best you can do? I am still here! I am still standing. You hit like a child." [/B]Miserow charged at Heimdal who caught him with right cross causing a tooth to fly out and sent Miserow spiraling to the ground Heimdal motioned for two servants to carry Miserow back. They started to carry him but Miserow stood and said, "I will walk." It was more of a controlled stumble but he got back to his place. He stood very wobbly and said, [B]"This is not over."[/B] Heimdal just looked at him for a moment and then walked over to Canis and said, "He fights with no focus or discipline. He thinks in terms of here and now and not ahead. However he does adapt upon occasion and he does have great power. Not to speak of his will. This one doesn't know when to quit he believes in the fight to the death." He nodded and said, "Canis I can work with him. He has a flame of potential that I can see."