[quote=@Jerkchicken] With sufficient people it is now time to discuss the tabletop mechanics The rules being used would be Risus, [url=http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/risus.htm]you can get a free copy here from its site[/url]. It's not a particularly hard game to learn. I'm also using the additional rules concerning pumping your cliches. Basically you declare you're gonna pump a cliche by X amount of dice and then after your turn you lose that many. Double pump is a stronger version where you get double the dice per dice spent. However double pumping is special because you have to buy a double pump cliche where as regular pumping can be done to any cliche. They cost 2 points per cliche rank. Anyway no extra char gen points you get 10 flat. But don't worry you'll level up later. [/quote] [@Ojo chan 42 ] There you go, read up. Also, since its a dice game it means that certain actions or competitions against other characters will require a roll of the dice