Fifty minutes to write up a batch of characters... Challenge accepted. [hider] [b]Character Name:[/b] Queen Lia [b]Character Gender:[/b] Female [b]Character Race:[/b] Kobold [b]Character Age:[/b] Twenty six [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Queen Lia, even for a kobold, is short. Standing at a single foot and eight inches most other beings tower over the young Queen, however she moves with a determination and boldness more suiting to someone six times her size. Her eyes are a deep red with hints of gold, and her scales are a common brown tint. Day to day the Queen, like the queens before her, wear simple if well made clothes, most of the time Lia adorns herself in a white grey shirt and trousers of the same hue. However, like many kobolds, Lia wears more than just clothes. Over each arm she wears no less than six golden bands, her neck is home to two amulets, one bearing the symbol of the Scalethein Empire, which marks her as Queen, and another with the image of a dragon, a lovely trinket that Lia won in a game of chance. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] Queen of Scale Home, and leader of the Scalethein Empire [b]Character Background Info:[/b] The Queen was born the runt of her family, the youngest and smallest of her seven sisters. Her life was simple up until her mother died. With her seven sisters all trying to get the throne, the eight of them ended up more or less trapped in the palace until someone was Queen. It would be during these two years that Lia slowly, one by one, defeated her sisters, not by arms as the small kobold couldn't hope to even put up a fight, but instead with guile and trickery. The exact details of what happened in the palace are kept secret, but in 478 A.E the eight daughters of Likka left the palace, and together stated that Lia would be Queen. Since becoming Queen Lia has worked towards easing relations with the recently antsy dwarves, building a formal temple to the mountain god in Scale Home among other efforts. [hr] [b]Character Name:[/b] Warren [b]Character Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Race:[/b] Cobold [b]Character Age:[/b] Eighty nine [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Warren is not much to look at. A Cobold, he possess fits of brightly colored scales which clash with his naturally darker scales covering most of his frame. His eyes are green, a mutation, though it effects little other than how people see him. Three feet and six inches tall, and even though old he is still muscular and fit. Warren dresses himself in his armor most times, a simple yet effective steel breastplate. When not in active combat he wears leather to protect his shoulders and legs, though in battle metal plates are instead worn. Over the armor Warren wears a blue cloak, the badge of office for the Queen's Guard. At all times Warren also wears a dagger at his waist, and a short spear strapped to his back. Aside from the cloak Warren wears nothing else in the way of decoration, jewelry not suiting the mindset of Warren. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] Head of the Queen's Guard [b]Character Background Info:[/b] Warren grew up on the streets of Scale Home, and lived a peaceful life until the war with Zaqir. It was there that he first tasted combat, and there that he caught the attention of Queen Liika. Once the war was over Warren was a Queen's Guard, and a lover of the Queen. The Queen bore him one daughter before the monarch's end. Warren was one of the few people who was allowed into the Palace during the two years where Scalethein was without a Queen. After what happened he was sworn to secrecy. [/hider] Due to time, I'll have to post more characters later. That said, these two are a fair start. Let me know if there is any problems with them eh guys?