[quote=@Inuyasha] Definitely interested :) Will make a CS sometime in the next week when I have time. [/quote] Great! Looking forward to seeing it. [quote=@Kalas] Hella interested yo! [hider=Cagen] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/TnpjQr8.jpg[/img] [h3]Name:[/h3] Fletcher G. Payne [i]AKA Cagen[/i] [h3]Age:[/h3] 31 [h3]Gender:[/h3] Male [h3]Appearance:[/h3] Standing at 5'9", Cagen is not the most imposing figure. He weighs in at 155lbs and sports a well chiseled physique, honed from his many years of training as a US Marine and maintained through his time as a Private Military Contractor. He views the world, and the reaches of space, through grey eyes and has short/unkempt mousy-brown hair. His fashion style is very suited toward his job; Combat Slacks, a plain T-shirt and various pairs of Timberland Boots. His signature clothing piece would undoubtedly be his black Combat Trench Coat which usually hides his leather gun holster straps. [h3]Profession:[/h3] Interstellar Fugitive Enforcement Agent [i](Bounty Hunter)[/i] Contracted Debt Collector [h3]Other:[/h3] Ex-US Marine & Private Military Contractor His middle name is Gulliver Heavily addicted to CryStim [i]AKA Ice[/i] His father, William G. Payne, was also a Bounty Hunter [/center][/hider] [/quote] Accepted! Feel free to pop it into the Characters tab! On an IC note: we have 5, potentially 6 people here, which I think is enough to possibly warrant the IC beginning? Of course our goal is to bring in a lot more writers, but it has been difficult so far and I don't want to delay much further and potentially have someone lose interest, therefore I'm going to begin working on the first post tonight. I'll be out tomorrow evening, and have some college work and actual work to do over the weekend, but expect the IC to be up and running before Sunday.