[hider=CS Draft] Name: Raguel Tucson Reid During the fall of civilization, Raguel was doing his best to maintain order in the state. He was an elected member of the state's legislative branch, and was the likely prospect to be a candidate for governor. When chaos's hammer finally fell in the state capital, he fled. Gender: Male Age: 39 Personality: Raguel is certainly good at hiding it, but he has an immense fear of being alone. He has a "look out for number one" outlook on life, but in a broader sense than the individual. He'll do anything if it means keeping his community safe. Aside from that, he is calm, cool, and calculated, always taking a moment to ponder the best route to a desired outcome. Easily approachable, yet understandably liked by those he looks after, he can come across as a jerk to a stranger... Which, perhaps, isn't necessarily wrong. Description: [hider=Image][img]http://i.imgur.com/tvMCZWR.jpg[/img][/hider] A man who looks his age, Raguel is an impressive man. He has peak social skills, the luck of being a naturally charming individual, and a relaxed posture. Aside from that, he has a black belt in Kendo and a blue belt in Jujutsu, and had hunted a fair share for sport. He has mild arthritis in his left knee and fair vision, though it has certainly been affected by age. Possessions: * A white suit * Sweatsuit * Hair Gel & Comb * Straight razor kept at home * A home in his community, and some of the luxuries that one would have imagined came with that in the old days. (Not a lot, though, and I don't feel it is practical to make an extensive list of household items.) Equipment: * Beretta M9 with 18 bullets and 4 clips (One full and loaded in the gun, one with three, and two empty... For now.) * 19 inch Kopis machete & a sheath. * Satchel * Swiss Army Knife I do understand that this may be a bit much to start out with, but I find it understandable given the fact that he is the [s]benevolent dictator[/s] leader of a small and rapidly blossoming community. Notes: He highly trusts only two individuals from his community at the time of the RP's start: His muscle, Kaid, and his best scavenger, Ivory. Kaid and Ivory will merely be frequently-present NPCs. If a CS for them is necessary, then I would be happy to make them. Kaid: Kaid was born after the end days and never met his parents. He was never a bright boy, but it doesn't take much to realize that using the physical advantages that come with being built like a professional basketball player meant getting what you wanted darn near all the time. He had a good life on his own, until he tried to push around the wrong man. Despite his size, Raguel's superior martial arts skills ended up leading to his inevitable defeat and swearing of allegiance to the ex-politician. Ivory: Ivory was also born after society had fallen, but she had the luck of having both of her parents around even to this day. They taught her how to live off the land, and how to scavenge better than just about anybody. Using her nimble build and athletic gifts, she often utilizes parkour when in old towns and cities to get from place to place. Ivory often packs a light load for the sake of mobility, and she can run for miles on end. She'll usually avoid direct conflict, utilizing either stealth or quiet weapons to stay out of hairy situations. [/hider]