[h3][color=E23E35] Eidel Shain[/color][/h3] [color=E23E35]Age:[/color] 18 [hider=Appearance] [center][img]http://img03.deviantart.net/c7ad/i/2015/286/6/a/headphones_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9cy9ay.jpg[/img][/center] [i][right]Profile picture on her main social network, present day.[/right][/i] [center][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/6cac/f/2016/003/7/3/6_51_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9moax2.jpg[/img][/center] [i][right]A photo taken of Eidel during a trip to Japan for her sixteenth birthday.[/right][/i] [center][img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/fa9a/f/2015/195/c/5/waiting_by_kr0npr1nz-d91bfdr.jpg[/img][/center] [i][right]Eidel, after breaking up with her fourth boyfriend, at fifteen years old.[/right][/i][/hider] [color=E23E35]Height:[/color] 160 cm // 5’3” [color=E23E35]Weight:[/color] 58 kg // 127 lb. [hider=Likes]For activities, Eidel especially likes reading, music, sight-seeing, making home-made teas, games and… she doesn’t really know what else. Having spent most of her youth either studying, trying to be social and sticking with whichever group or clique that accepted her, she never really had time to develop her own hobbies. As for various subjects, she enjoys the following: -Learning and studies -Languages -Technology -Organization -Otaku-ism (very closeted about it, however) -Socializing (?) -New things, interesting, unique people[/hider] [hider=Dislikes] She denies disliking many things and this is mostly the case, as Eidel is fairly open to new things, but a lot of the time, she does dislike a given thing and just wants to fit into a group. However, things she dislikes for sure are the following: -Rejection -Loneliness -An excess of excitement, though she still seeks it -Drinking, most of the time -Smokers -Love (ironically enough, as she wants to have it more than anyone she knows)[/hider] [color=E23E35]Party Trick:[/color] Can easily, really easily, disappear from any situation. Close your eyes for ten seconds and she’s gone. Also amazing at fighting games, but [i]literally[/i] only those by Arc System Works. [color=E23E35]Profession:[/color] Student of Classical Philology, French Language and Slavic Studies at Shine City Academy, looking for part-time job. [color=E23E35]Personality/Bio:[/color] Being a newcomer to a place like Shine City and Shine County would make anyone shy, but when you take someone who’s socially awkward and yet aching for socialization and love, despite vocally refusing the latter, you get a rather particular person. Meet Eidel. Shorter and lighter than most, she is oftentimes shy and oftentimes too outspoken, plus with an appearance that doesn’t beg too much attention, the girl easily disappears into most sceneries. When little should be said, she says too much and when so much is needed, she can only say a fraction of what is necessary. After spending most of her childhood starved of most affection by her parents and being an only child, she went through most of her teenage years constantly seeking friendships and socialization. Instead of getting over her social ineptness, she ended up going from clique to clique, interest to interest and was stuck with the “bragging right” of having had four boyfriends and yet never had her first kiss. Around the age of fifteen, her parents suddenly realized they had a teenage daughter and she abandoned her social ventures to focus on studies and her very few hobbies, as well as spending time with her parents. Though she constantly told herself that she hated love, that it just wasted her time and hurt her, it’s one of her main desires, but after four disasters of relationships, she can’t even imagine how to get it, whether it's with a man or a woman. Now, in a new place, she has new opportunities, but it’s up to her if she’ll seize the day, discover who she is and what she wants, or let herself fade into obscurity. [color=E23E35]Theme Song:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaNDIDQDHv4]Time, Persona 3 Portable[/url]