"Uh, yeah. Sure thing." Kirin knew his ex-teacher meant well, but he also knew that Mr. Clarkson knew that it was just Kirin's nature. He never saw the point of school. He knew the curriculum, and could prove it on any test. Why should he have to go out of his way to do school work outside of school just to get a number on a piece of paper that proves he went through the motions? The point of education is to learn, not to play charades. But it was never within Kirin to fight his teachers on it, he would simply nod and then go about his business anyway. But Mr. Clarkson's point was more true this year than any other, as a senior, Kirin needed to do exceptionally well this time around if he was to get into a half-way decent college. Perhaps now would be a good time to change. A good time to break away from the mundane and boring life he's lived so far, accomplish something for once...