Welcome human primate to my most recent interest check that will serve as a means to gain new players for a recent soft reboot of 'A Gilded Throne. to an old but successful NRP I made almost a year back called "A Gilded Throne'. It did surprisingly well for its time thanks to some amazing writers and efforts all around. I'm hoping to bring it back with all the improvements learned from its granddaddy. Now the idea is the same but setting is quite different though it shares the same idea. So even if you never were apart of the old NRP you don't have to worry! One of the main differences of this Rp to that of Ice and Fire world is it will be a slightly more high fantasy of a setting, with magic being a much more prevalent, but still having a darker edge to it, think Conan meets a Game of Thrones with a sprinkle of Dragon Age/Dragon Dogma. So this will be a Grimdark setting when this starts to gear up. This NRP will have lots of backstabbing, backroom deals and possibly war. If you like maneuvering your pawns in a political game of intrigue and shadowplay, you’ve come to the right place. However, this also has plenty of adventure and action potential. So even if you want a small scope than a High House there exists single player POV options as well! So as recap Gilded Throne is grimdark-fantasy with predominantly human civilizations. If enough interest is shown, or if asked, I'd be happy to give out more setting background/timeline, specifically in the overall Lore of the setting when it comes to fluff. Also as a side note, while this is based heavily on Crusader Kings, I'm going to stay away from making it too 'gamey', if I can, I'd rather it focus more on interesting story lines then shoty game mechanics. At the moment we have entered into a soft reboot and are looking for new players, for more information please check out our OOC> [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/93389-a-gilded-throne-the-shadow-looms-gt-reboot/ooc]Link[/url]!