Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Nothing about the situation was ideal, but Ssarak could accept this outcome, as it currently seemed to be unfolding. The Naga would have protection for the moment, and once Khan had received all of the necessary reports, he was sure that the college would offer them some form of aid. At the very least, they would no longer be in danger of being killed by the beasts of the Ravine. As the group was making their way out of the catacombs, towards the college proper, Ssarak helped to carry the most wounded, while keeping a sharp eye out for any kind of threat. The presence of the shapeshifter was still a concern in his mind, and no creature they encountered, however small, was not suspect to him. Apart from the potential threats around them, however, another concern within Ssarak’s mind was Tyrael. Though he had not harmed any students, the fact remained that he did make the threat to do so, and Ssarak was not sure what affect that would have. While they were still walking, Ssarak decided he could use the time to give Khan more information on what transpired. Naturally, he sent his message telepathically in order to remain confidential. [i] [color=f7941d]”The Naga, from what I gather, come from Mesa Gaan; survivors of the massacre there. The Matriarch is among them, as well as Mar’s brother. According to him, they were forced into the ravine and have been surviving there since the attack. They come to the College seeking its protection; I do not believe they had the option to petition for such a thing through normal means. Tyrael, however…I do not know what to think of it. The moment he saw the Naga, it was like he went into a rage. I am certain they were what sparked his behavior. As soon as he identified them as Naga, he ordered me to kill them. His voice…it sounded strange, like there was something else speaking through him. I do not have any experience with Fallen Demonmancers beyond Tyrael, but it was almost as if his demon was controlling him, or at least influencing him. Certainly, he did not seem like he was in his right mind. I am uncertain why the sight of Naga would cause such a thing to happen, however. He is close to Mar, so it is not as if he despises the race as a whole.”[/color][/i]