With that Satori was gone. A moment she appeared within the dark confines of the Shin-Ra APC, steam wafting from her body and her once dashing outfit marred by burns and tears. Crusty black goop clung to her face where she had been splattered with gore. The Verdissian Warhammer was pleasantly quiet at her side but the distant rumble of thunder could be heard echoing from within. Without so much as a word she shoved her way past Gever and rifled through the mini-fridge, grabbing a classy wine bottle filled to the brim with dark red fluid, then drained it down her throat. It was sticky and warm despite the freezing temperature and it took a full minute for her to lap it up, the blood burned pleasantly through her system but would provide her with the material she needed to heal. In time. “It’s done; he won’t be coming, ever. Even if the beast survived I doubt he’ll want to tussle with Shin-Ra again. You deal with the next one; I’m going to take a nap.” Satori said with a grunt before sliding onto the bend and rolling onto her side, wings closing in around her upper body to provide some measure of defense against the dim military lights, and in her slumber would dream of the Time Warp.