It was a beautiful sunset, but sadly, Rin was not capable of enjoying it. His fiance had been sent on a separate mission by Lady Ayameko, who had a habit of selling the services of her law enforcement out to other governments. Rin's nation rarely had much for them to do, so he couldn't fault the woman for her pragmatism. Of course, that didn't make Rin any less pleased about the situation. He didn't particularly care for these types of assignments, especially given John didn't really have an expansive list of serious crimes. It was mostly insignificant street crime, but unfortunately he had proven exceptionally difficult for local authorities to deal with, which was where he came in. Aware of John's habit of engaging in brawls, for reasons Rin couldn't begin to understand, he had arranged to meet him in this precise area through a messenger at the tavern. Rin walked calmly in from the opposite direction, also towards the tree John was approaching, with nothing more than a casual walk, his sword still sheathed at his hip. Flying likely would have been more intimidating, or even easier, but Rin hated flying. He wasn't particularly fond of heights despite the lack of ability to fall from them, and in a pinch could tolerate them, but unlike many of the others from his Order who soared as high as they could go in the sky, Rin strongly preferred being as close to the ground as sensibly possible. Even his wife was more tolerant of heights than he was. "Mr. Poppins," Rin called from the distance, assuming they would eventually meet next to the tree, "I am glad you got the message. Now, I have records from the local precincts tying you to thefts in the area with a total value of just over 9000 of whatever your land's currency is, so if you could pay that, along with the various fines we can begin to get this resolved. I believe local laws attach some jail time as well, so if you pay promptly we may be able to work out a reduced sentence with your authorities."