[center] [img]http://myanimelist.net/images/characters/16/59546.jpg[/img] [/center] Name: Scott [s]Cawthorn[/s] Whittaker Age: 26 Height: 6ft 1 Weight: [I]"Well wouldn't you like to know"[/I] Likes: Soda, The Cornerstone, Honesty Peace and Quiet, Books, Anime, Jazz, 80's Power Rock, Money, Witty Commentary, Black Humor, His Cat, [s] hawt chix [/s] Reading, Rainy Days, Cold Climates, Firearms, Fighting Games, Tabletop RPG's and Sleeping Dislikes: Loud People, Loiterers, People who don't tip, Rap, Crowds, Strobe Lights, Staying Awake, His Cat, [s] ugly chix [/s] Warm Temperatures, Being too hot, boisterous parties, false people. Utterly despises cigarettes and other forms of smoking Party Trick: [I] "Parties charge extra, keep the noise down" [/I] Profession: Proud owner and sole bartender of The Cornerstone, the bar directly beneath his appartment, as such he's usually very busy from open to close, usually about 4:00 pm to 2:00 AM on weekdays, 3:30 to 1:30 on weekends. With some exceptions. (Read: Whenever he damn well pleases) Personality: To say Scott is versatile would be an understatement. Though by his own admission he despises crowds and is normally very quiet. He possess his family's signature "Merchant's Smile" which he uses to throw up a polite and sincere veneer to all of his customers. He can be very cordial and is generally curteous to strangers, especially females. Beware, curteous though he may be, he speaks his mind and he speaks it often, with little consideration for how dry or morbid he can come across. Coincidentally this makes him a very honest person, a trait he acknowledges and expects a modicrum of from others. When one gets to know him he can come off as eccentric, rambling on about ideas and theories while also doling out sage advice. Often flipping from serious to casual in tone and expression. There is some truth in these traits; however, he masks his true personality beneath them, hiding a pensive, lonely individual. The irony of his distaste for dishonesty and false appearences is very apparent to him and can serve to excaberate his own exsasperation with himself. He often thinks about opening up to people close to him but maturity hasn't quite beaten the visceral fear of heartbreak that he has acquired from his childhood. He has an addictive personality, which is why hr guzzles down glass after glass of soda. He doesn't dare start drinking his own wares because he knows full well what'll happen to him if he does. One current quandary of his is how his own weakness to addictions would affect him if he were to slip and fall in love. Fortunately for him he's never found out. He is a very private person and absolutely hates sharing information about himself if he doesn't need to. He does believe in equivalent exchange however, so he will give more details than normal if someone offers their own details. His belief in honesty has also fostered a sense of trust, and he will never give away a secret if he can help it. Overall not someone you'd invite to a party, but a loyal and trustworthy friend that you can say damn near anything to. Bio: Scott's life was relatively peaceful and uneventful. The death of his beloved Grandfather when he was 7 rocked the boy's world, and turned the normally cheerful and gregarious Scott into a quiet, withdrawn kid. His parents dealt with their own grief and unknowingly left him to his own devices. This led to him being stilted and awkward growing up, as such he withdrew more and more until coming under a depression, which lasted the majority of his child and young adult life until one day he finally decided that he was tired of feeling sorry for himself. When he finally left the house, his parents revealed to him a surprise. His Grandfather had left him an inheritance, enough for him to live a comfortable, yet modest lifestyle for the rest of his life. At first he spent a considerable amount of time traveling the world, not staying in one place for too long of a time. Once he finally tired of the lifestyle he decided to settle in the next town or city he visited, that happened to be Shine City. It didn't take him long to find out about an old rundown bar on the floor directly beneath his apartment. On a split decision he decided to buy the place, using up the last of his inheritence in the fees of owning, refurbishing, and restocking it. After a couple months of refurbishing and getting everything set and in order, he's able to open up to a new chapter of his life. Theme: [Youtube]https://youtu.be/OrWEVGJ-EqI [/youtube]