"GLorious shots Turuk just like we're back in the wilds." Viber exclaimed grinning wildly as he rushed forward to the back center of his unit. He felt his blood boil and his heart racing as the sound of bullets and the smell of gunpowder hit his nose all that was needed was a little more gore. Just as his mind turned to this he found himself pleasantly greeted by the sight of the Sergeants finish with a precise attack brutally efficient and this was something he greatly admired. Viber began to swell with pride and his chest puffed up as he raised his head placing his hand on his sword, but as he thought of the charge to the front next to his old friend the psyker acted and this...could spell disaster. Yet there it was to his surprise the psyker seared and tore apart the very flesh and armor of them with bolts of lighting. It was impressive and very lucky a moment of concern always arose when a psyker tapped into his power. The very deaths of many guardsmen had been at the hands of their own sanctioned psykers and if anything were to go wrong well it hadn't this time and so Viber quietly took pride in the success of their first push into the fight. "We may well just survive this." He muttered and laughed amused, but he spoke to soon perhaps. As the words left him their came the next wave of the scum rushing forward. Viber rushed just to the rear of Turuk and Tuur. He pulled from his side with a deep desire for blood his sword and thrust it into the air with a loud maniacal laughter. With its unsheathing came their barrage and soon he saw the glorious destruction of more vermin piece by piece they flew in a bloody mess in every direction painting the battlefield something beautiful. In a moment he used his free hand to grab the bolt pistol at his hip and let loose a burst of shots before cackling. He was prepared for the first to come within range of his sword in waiting he stood using Turuk almost as a source of cover. His blood was boiling however and the desire to charge..it did grow to cut one down to feel them die yes he lived for this moment.