[center][h1][color=92278f]TURN BACK[/color][/h1][/center] After a tense few moments of attempting to regain his composure, Jason Graves turned around and headed back towards the abandoned theater. Hopefully his mother had heard his plea and the boy could get some rest. He slipped inside the building and headed over to the stage where the child seemed to have fallen asleep on top of Tank. Grabbing his discarded hoodie from the floor, Jason handed it to the large man, whispering to him as he tried to listen in to the current conversation. [color=92278f]"Take this for him. I'm figuring out something slightly more permanent until we can sort this Umbra shit out."[/color] He stepped closer to the crowd around Ditch, letting out a slow breath as he started to allow himself to get angry at the mention of mind control. Something about that rubbed him very much the wrong way. What rubbed him even worse though, was Wraith's comment about the boy. [color=92278f]"Some kid? You mean the child who is, thus far the only person we know of who's escaped Umbra? The boy who was found alone, sick, and injured in the shittiest part of this city? Yeah, let's ignore him. Toss him back out on the street, why don't we? Do you have any idea what the homeless epidemic in this city looks like? How many people, how many families, how many children are alone out there? How many of them have to sleep on benches and beg for pennies?"[/color] He had walked closer now, his prosthetic hand clenched at his side. [color=92278f]"I am not tossing that poor, innocent child back out into that godforsaken shithole we call home. You're right about one thing though, we do need a plan. If we go up against a mind controler without one, we're going to literally die."[/color] Jason was addressing the group now, though his eyes were still focused on Wraith. [color=92278f]"And you're right about one other thing, we can't plan very well while we have to worry about the boy. That's why we need to find a place for him to go before anything else. I have a place, I'm willing to offer my home to him. It's not the Hilton or other fancy fucking hotel, but it's safe and warm and he'll have food and someone to watch over him. If anyone else has any ideas, I'm glad to hear them. But I think we have to take care of him first, and then deal with Shithead McMindcontrol."[/color] He turned away and focused his attention on Ditch, interested in what she had to say, but adding under his breath quietly; [color=92278f]"Somehow I'm the one out us two with some goddamn human empathy, how the fuck does that happen..."[/color]