Sinys: Lyn's hunt. Sprawled out on the ground Sinys sighed expresivly. He sat up with a dead look on his face, and what felt like a black eye "Sa'avat la wrucy. Te mal sume." He muttered random words intended for cursing. Somehow his eyes found Helena, but while he knew she was thrown from the way she landed, he was still peeved about being trampled. It showed clearly on his face. His head scanned the area, obviously for listening but maybe not so much after he had been staring at people. Standing slowly he took his water skin from his side, taking special note that it had been slick with blood, he pulled the wedge and starting drinking. He did this for at least ten seconds without breathing. His lungs were on fire by count six, but when he came up for air a large amount was blown out then sucked in. A hard reset to his heartbeat and oxygen consumption was the result. Also it was something he did when he was highly upset, it calmed the mind and the body quickly. After he was done being dramatically effective he wiped his hand with the back of his mouth leaving a smear on his chin. He was not really looking at anyone this time which should have made himself obvious "I believe there is still game afoot?" he asked turning his head again and locking onto the sound of the alpha not too far away. His chest hurt from the claw marks, but he found quickly that it would operate with ease, just painfully. His back and his head were throbbing something aweful, though that was much less of a concern than the human blood he smelled. He paused and decided that field medical wouldn't be bad "Human, my name is Sinys. We should patch that arm before moving. It's your choice though." he said hoping that a name might calm her. He didn't know if she was experiencing the same feelings as him being on a battlefield for the first time. Mostly he was calming himself, he had never had so many close calls before in his life. Not so many as in the last ten minutes anyhow. He readied himself to tear an inside fold of his robe that would be rather clean. Had he known that there would have been fighting he would have brought his own kit. He didn't even have any liquor to cleanse the wound. All of these thoughts piled up as he waited on her response, if she accepted he would hurriedly bandaged her up. Preventing further blood loss and keeping the arm from pumping out blood from activity. To which he assumed she wasn't ready to give up yet.