The boy had fallen asleep finally, against their resident behemoth to boot. Seems that Tank was nothing but a big teddy bear to a distressed child, all soothing words and gentle reassurance. It was quite a feat, and Reaper was rather glad as her own powers began to settle; distressed children made Zoey antsy. However there was little to celebrate, as her feet began moving, pacing once more as Ditch’s explanation began to settle in her mind. The others seemed equally appalled with her little discovery. How do you fight mind control? Reaper doubted that Ditch had any more insight into how it worked considering she didn’t offer anything else up. That was all they had – the knowledge that Umbra had the deadly power under his command, [i]somehow[/i], not even the details of how! Just glowing purple eyes. Omega was right, however, that they needed to study the bracelet. Ditch looked dead on her feet on top of being soaked to the bone, so she doubted that would be done anytime soon, which left the next biggest problem in their face – being found out. Of course, the returning Turn Back and Wraith both had their own opinions, which quickly began to clash. The vigilante raised her gloved hand to rub at her temples with thumb and forefinger as Turn Back’s voice rose in response to Wraith. She was crass, yes, but from what she could tell the other girl seemed fairly young – at least compared to the rest of them. Honestly, could they not go one night without fighting? “Cut it,” Reaper finally snapped sharply, her teeth almost snapping shut on the last syllable akin to a snarling dog. “You’re both pretty.” Sarcasm dripped from every word before her black eyes went back to Omega, at the same time reaching down into her shadow. Her fingers dipped into it, grabbing fabric from the pile of forgotten coats so that when she rose again the hoodie was now in her grasp once more. She shook it out, focusing on Omega – or more accurately the pocket with the bracelet in it currently. “And you both have a point – we don’t know who the bracelet belonged to, other than the kid’s reaction that it – or another copy of it – was familiar. If it was the boy’s I doubt it was a tracking device, at least a functioning one, since he looks like he’s been by himself awhile. If it was someone else’s we’re in deep shit, and I wouldn’t risk staying here to find out.” The elemental paused in speaking to pull her hoodie back on once more, flipping the hood back over her mask to once more shadow her face in darkness. “I can have us another building to meet in within minutes. We can’t just leave the kid either,” Reaper grimaced, her jaw tensing briefly before she added on, “… So my home could be one we could meet in as well, as alternative to Turn Back. There’s space, and it wouldn’t be a strain to provide for a child or have any of you dropping in or watching him. I doubt he’d want my… supervision, considering.” She gestured down at her feet, where her shadows continued to curl about her legs almost lazily. “But the decision has to be made soon.”