Eric zoned out at the part he heard Mind Control. He wasn't really worrying about ghosts, because.... yeah. Although he was not quite sure if he was considered dead, or just some sort of apparition while spectral. Mind Control though, that is a very serious problem. Ecto did sometimes take control of other peoples movements, but their minds... There was something perverse about making people want to do what you wanted, forcing your thoughts on them. [color=deepskyblue][i][b]Poor kid.[/b][/i][/color] Worse that that, no-one on the team possessed anything like that. [color=deepskyblue][i][b]"How would we even counter a telepath? Should we put on tinfoil hats? Or go around finding someone who has mind powers? Ditch?"[/b][/i][/color] He glanced at her. She looked dead tired. Wraith asked the same question, albeit a bit more harshly. Maybe a bit too harshly. Which was a bad idea, considering that the team is not a big fan of apathy. TB called Wraith out, unsurprisingly. [color=deepskyblue][i][b]He seems to be on edge, he is taking this thing to heart. I wonder why...[/b][/i][/color] But before things could escalate, Reaper cut in. "I can have us another building to meet in within minutes. We can’t just leave the kid either..." Eric raised his hand. [color=deepskyblue][i][b]"I don't wanna be a party pooper, but unless someone has any idea how we could handle mind control, maybe we should... call it a night? Get some rest and think things through, you know."[/b][/i][/color]