You might be the judge, but Rilla has to validate the ranked fight. A lot of the proper channels were skipped for this fight, no sheet was sent to the judges, everything was vague, no official rules were decided upon. You shouldn't have let the fight start with uncertain rules, or they shouldn't have started without rules decided upon. Point being, this probably shouldn't be considered ranked. Maybe I misled Divinity then, because I tried to clear up their impasse because it seemed they were both using T1 Eden, and you said you agreed with me. That's my bad, but you should have been asking what rules they were working under all the way back then, really. It literally does provide an advantage to Dazsos, because he'll be the first to utilize this multi-prep system. If Divinity was not within range to interrupt, Dazsos would have free matured preps and potentially end the fight, because Divinity won't have multi-prepped defences, so an interrupt is the only option. Regardless, this is a bit of a mess, but I don't believe changing from the time-tested one prep system is going to help things any. Also, I would like to know how the multi-prep system works exactly, and how it serves as a balancing system in any way? Just saying that people in the 90's used it doesn't really explain anything, unless I'm supposed to be impressed that you're super old? :P