[centre][b]Name:[/b] Christopher Hawkins [b]Description:[/b] Chris is six foot seven. This means that the average fully grown American man (5'7") only comes up to his shoulders. He has pale skin, and black hair. His body is slightly slim and muscular. [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8akxbX8dW1qg8l3bo1_500.png[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Personality:[/b] Just like his father, Chris has a short temper. However, he tries hard not to let this get the best of him. Chris is a very kind soul, but this is hidden behind a face that rarely shows his true emotions. He'll show happiness and sadness, etc, but it won't be as out-there as with other people. If he likes you, you'll definitely know it, and if he doesn't, you'll know that, too. [b]Background:[/b] Chris is from a family of Regime sympathisers, living on a farm in Arkansas. His father trained him and his brothers to be strong, both mentally and physically. Due to this, he has a strong body, and is smart, too. Thankfully, he wasn't as misogynistic as his father and brothers, and he also doesn't believe that the Regime are the right rulers of America. When Chris was 15, he found a shiny Duskull, which was close to death, hiding in a cellar of a building that his family owned on the other side of the farm, and immediately bonded with it. He took it food and nursed it back to health. During this, he started to learn about looking after, and also breeding, pokemon, which he continued doing even after Duskull was healthy again. When he was 18, he ran away from home with his Duskull in order to help other pokemon, and he now wants to be a pokemon healer and breeder. He is now in New York to try and find rebels that he can help. He is also fascinated with dark and ghost type pokemon. [b]Pokemon name and nickname:[/b] A male shiny Duskull, with no nickname. [b]Pokemon background:[/b] Duskull was owned by a group of shiny pokemon collectors travelling through Arkansas. When the Regime saw that they had so many shiny pokemon, they captured the people and their pokemon. However, Duskull managed to escape by turning invisible, albeit with injuries, and got to Chris's family's farm. He then hid there until Chris found him. [/centre]