[hider=Master] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131018052856/destined-dynasty-warriors/images/thumb/f/f8/Anime-boy-with-white-hair-and-blue-eyes.jpg/420px-Anime-boy-with-white-hair-and-blue-eyes.jpg[/img] [color=00aeef]"If you're not going to be a model or fight me, then leave me to nap in piece. It's been 5 minutes since my last one and I'm falling behind schedule."[/color] Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Storms, The Sloth Knight Servant: Alignment: Neutral Good Age:25 Gender:male Height:6'1 Hair color:Blonde Eye color:Light blue Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle, it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well. His general demeanor tends to be one bordering on apathy most times, as he hardly ever cracks a smile, merely looking at everything and everyone with a disinterested glance. This tends to make it hard for him to talk to people, as do his habits of ignoring people he finds boring, taking pictures of others without their permission, and general lack of decency and common sense when it comes to how to interact with other human beings. In other words, he's rather dense when it comes to social situations and can be quite a difficult person to deal with. Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with those he cares about, doing anything overly strenuous that doesn't interest him History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles himself was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest, it bored him. Until, however, he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, whenever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battlefield. Family History: His family comes from a long line of combat focused Mages,reaching all the way back to the time of the crusades and renowned for bringing with them, where ever they went, the power of the storm to batter their foes into dust. As such, his family differs from other families of Magus, always taking the frontline in their efforts to defeat their foes, rather than to stay in their castles to tinker away at theories of Magecraft. instead, they sought to test them on the battlefield, launching themselves into every form of military campaign in order to prove themselves worthy of honor and glory. As such, their family has developed a number of spells for use in combat, making it so that the wind and storms are always on their side, while their enemies are suffocated, crushed, or slashed to pieces by the power of nature's strongest element. Origin: Capture Elemental Affinity: Wind Number of Magic Circuits: A Quality of Magic Circuits: B Od: B Magecraft: General Magecraft Wind Magecraft: Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal. There are more ways than this that his magic can be used, but this is a general basis of what he can do. High Speed Incantation:He has the ability to speak out Aria quickly, able to send out spells in half the time as other mages. He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. He does have a few rather powerful spells from way near the beginning of his family's lineage, powerful spells that could lay quite a bit of havoc if he's given the time needed to cast them. Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, and a book of some kind. Bears a sizable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera. In terms of Mystic Codes, he bears a silver cross pendant around his neck that helps increase the efficiency in which he can make use of his Prana, allowing him to cast spells using 25% less mana than he normally would. The next two Mystic Codes he has are two plain looking gold rings, one looking a lot more worn and aged than the other, that bare the purpose of being his first line of offense and Defense. The ring on his right hand is enchanted with a spell that allows him to summon a thin, pressurized blade of wind in the casting time of a Single Action that can easily cut through flesh and into bone, it's length can be as a small as that of a knife to as long as a shortsword. When summoned, it can be launched at his foes, up to a distance of 3m before it disperses. The blade is also difficult to see due to it being made completely out of air, almost invisible in certain low light situations, and in brighter areas, appearing as more of a distortion. The ring on his left hand, however, gives him a good first line of defense, a powerful artifact that has been passed down his family that grants its user resistance to magical attacks, making him immune to spells of a single count and below. Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand. Is a capable marksman, but detests using guns and most forms of ranged combat, finding it to disengaging from the fighting. Has pretty solid reflexes and Stamina, as well as being rather string due to his focus on combat training. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion. Other: Charles, in his off-time, makes his living in the more mundane world as a Freelance Photographer, taking a myriad of pictures of numerous people, places, and events and then selling them to any interested parties. He's never appeared in person to do this nor has he given a real name when excepting the money, only going by the Monkier of 'Zephyr', a name that has gained quite a bit of renown in the world of photography and Art, when he's decided to put his more personal pieces out for the world to see. [/hider] [hider=Saber] [center][img]http://i964.photobucket.com/albums/ae126/SAKORY/wallpaper-681992.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Gorō Nyūdō Masamune Class: Saber Gender: Male Alignment:Lawful Good Personality: Saber is an peaceful and honorable man, preferring to spend his time further honing his craft rather than engaging in bloody combat, though he is no stranger to it when it's needed. He bares a remarkably calm air about him, hardly ever speaking above a conversational tone, and with a patience honed by the teaching many, many students, he is hardly ever angered to a point where anything more is needed. However, he is a righteous soul, and can't idly stand-by if evil deeds are being done in-front of him, and he'll always try to stop it, even if it isn't the wisest course of action. In most cases, Saber would rather have a chat with a foe rather than engage them in combat, and if the chance comes for such an engagement to arise, than he'll gladly take it. History: Weapon: Yawarakai-Te Parameters: Strength: C Endurance: B Agility: C Mana: D Luck: D Class Skills: Magical Resistance: Rank C, Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals. Riding: Rank E, equivalent to someone who's passed their driver's ed test but never actually driven a car. Personal Skills: Knowledge of Respect and Harmony: Rank C, adaptability to his Style is lessened. Vitrification: Rank B, Through his devotion and Mastery to his art, as well through the training of many disciples, he has gained a level of discipline and focus that allows him to steal his mind against nearly any form of Mental hinderances. He can always keep a calm and collected outlook on his situation, rarely allowing himself to be swept up in the moment. Noble Phantasm(s): Limit of two, though one is preferred. Name: The Forge of Masamune Title: ??? Rank: A NP Type: Barrier Range:N/A Maximum Number of Targets:N/A Description: This Noble Phantasm is a Crystallization of Masamune's title as the Greatest Swordsmith to ever be born in the land of the Rising Sun. It functions as a High Thaumaturgy Bounded Field that recreates his forge and takes the form of a small building following the architectural stylings of Ancient Japan. The blades are made using his Metal, wood, some form of binding, and his Prana, and the quality of the blade is equivalent to the amount of time to craft the weapon. For example, an E rank blade would take ten hours to create, a D rank would be twenty, and so on and so forth all the way up to an A rank blade taking about two days of uninterrupted work in total to complete. The blades can be imbued with a singular effect, and the strength of said effect is equivalent to the quality of the blade that bears it's effect. While such a skill would normally be more fitting for one of the caster class, his specialization towards the crafting of Swords has allowed for him to be summoned as one of the Saber class for this Grail War. Name: Yawarakai-Te (Tender Hands) Title: The Holy Blade of Innocence and Purity (無罪と純度の聖剣) Rank: B NP type: Anti-Unit, Anti-Armor Range:1-2 Max. # of targets: 1 Description: The famed blade that won the contest between Masamune and his former student, Muramasa, it holds a strong enchantment of bearing the utmost precision of any blade ver crafted. It will only ever cut that which Saber wishes it to cut, and never anything else, meaning that he could slice through a person, like his Master, to get at the target behind them, and they wouldn't suffer so much as a scratch as a result. This ability also gives the blade the capability to sip past his foes protections, giving it an Armor Piercing effect. However, the blade bears a mind of it's own and has restriction placed on it as a result. Any Servant bearing the Good Alignment will only suffer half as much damage from the blade, as it's unwilling to hurt them, and it will outright refuse to harm anyone that is innocent and pure, no matter what the will of the user might be. [/hider]