Another Character by the way, thought a commoner's perspective was needed. [hider] [b]Character Name:[/b] Ezzia [b]Character Gender:[/b] Female [b]Character Race:[/b] Kobold [b]Character Age:[/b] Twenty [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Ezzia is a rather simple kobold women, standing at two feet tall and adorned with simple brown-tan scales and orange eyes. She wears brown robes as simple as her scales, and a single silver torc. She walks with a simple gait, and to any onlookers looks completely unremarkable. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] Farmer, Mother [b]Character Background Info:[/b] Ezzia has thus far lived a simple life in Far Home. Like her entire family before her she has farmed and bred, and done little else. Mother to nine and mate to two Ezzia lives a pleasant, if simple life. [b]Other:[/b] I personally thought the view of a completely boring farmer/mother would be good to have, especially if a war breaks out. Hehe, *if* a war breaks out. Good one me... [/hider]