[img]http://kezako.unisciel.fr/Kezako09/res/radar_avion.jpg[/img] BEHOLD! The new and improved partner radar. Old jokes aside, however, this is my new 1x1 thread, because the old one's bloody ancient and too full to keep track of anymore. More to the point, I'm running low on RP again! Time to remedy that problem. [b]A bit on myself:[/b] I'm an eighteen year old male on my way to college and general adult life. This means that I will often vanish for a few days at a time, but I -should- manage to post a few times a week- Often a handful of posts in a day should time allow. If this changes, I will be certain to let you know... Or apologize excessively upon my return. ^^; I -am- prone to OOC rambling about just about any topic. So be prepared for long-winded rants on... Literally anything. Other than those basics, we're sure to get along, as I tend to be completely chill as long as you aren't a complete douchecanoe. I also have a slight preference for female partners due to the chance of romance in most of my RPs- Though as stated, this is slight. I certainly don't mind male partners at all. I can play either male or female characters, though either way, prefer straight pairings when possible. [b]As far as -rules- go, I like to keep it simple.[/b] Don't be a complete douchecanoe. Let me know if you're no longer having fun so that we can A: Part ways amicably, or B: Craft a new RP that interests us more. Tell me your favorite color. This isn't a test, it's just a pet project of mine. Feel free to ask about it. Be okay with adult themes. This means violence, language, sex, gore, and themes ranging from happy, dark, emotional, and comical. I enjoy realism- And in real life, it all happens. Romance exists, sex exists, violence and resulting bloodshed exist- So why should we be squeamish about any of it? That's totally it. After all- My post frequency is hardly anything to brag about, so I'm never one to nag others about the same. [b]Time for the important part... IDEAS![/b] I have an immense slew of stories, ideas, plots, campaigns- Whatever you want to call it. Fantasy, sci-fi, post-apoc', slice of life... Anything and everything. There's far too many to list it all off here, so instead I'll make a list of fandoms I enjoy, and a list of basic settings for which I will likely have a dozen or so different plots available to discuss. For those interested, simply pick a pairing or a fandom, and we'll discuss from there! And remember, expect themes ranging into the adult and dark with almost all of these to varying extents. [i]Fandoms:[/i] Eragon Fairy Tail Naruto Bleach Game of Thrones Destiny Halo World of Warcraft Blue Exorcist Sword Art Online (And related) Supernatural The Walking Dead [i]General settings:[/i] Slice of life: Highschool Slice of life: College Slice of Life: Office Sci-Fi: Pirates Sci-Fi: Military Sci-Fi: Mercenaries Fantasy: Mercenaries Fantasy: Cliche Tales Fantasy: Military Modern: Assassins Modern: Super Spies [b]And now, for the last option...[/b] Tabletop. I'm not well versed enough in D&D/Pathfinder rules and mechanics to give such a complex system of stats and rolls, but I have a simpler, watered down system that has proven in the past to be just as fun an interesting. I am more than willing do DM for individuals or even groups if you bring friends- I have character sheets and campaigns at the ready at all times! If you or a group of two to five people max are interested in a forum-based tabletop, then let me know! We can -definitely- work something out, as I -love- doing this, especially for small groups of friends. [b]That about covers it![/b] The last little details are pretty simple: I definitely prefer PM's for RPs, excepting -group- tabletop games, in which I actually prefer using a thread. I prefer you contact me for RP over PMs, but I will be regularly checking this thread, so feel free to post your interest here, and then I'll contact you. I look forward to RPing with you all, and have a splendid day!