[quote=@TheSovereignGrave] I think lowering the population again might be a better idea. Though it's not all of them, many humans in Yossod carry some hint of animosity towards what they view as brutish and barbaric apes (despite them talking and acting exactly as a Yossodite human would) so half-breeds likely haven't been particularly common over the centuries. EDIT: I guess it kind of depends on what a "Second Generation" promethean is. Would a promethean be second generation even if they only had, like, a single human great great grandparent? [/quote] Indeed, and superior D.N.A The Promethean Plague was caused by a genetic defect inherent in all First Generation Prometheans (mentioned in their sheet at the time); splicing them with someone else would go a long way to eradicating that problem. But ultimately it's up to you. If you want your home baked, pure breed, traditional monkey men, then I'd say you need to come up with how the Plague was dealt with, as it was relentless throughout the Ancient Era; the first Promethean Human-Breed King had some success at stalling it, by isolating females and introducing quarantine measures, though his efforts were crushed by a vengeful Scalethein Queen. Human-Promethean mixes are more Gorilla-like in appearance, with more human-esque facial features, but still laden with ape-like body structures. That's what I had the Human-Breed King look like, in any case. So getting back on track, if yours were Mongrels, some might only be slightly diluted, whilst others may be well on their way to becoming a new breed of human altogether. Think of how we fucked the Neanderthals into extinction (or so the theory goes!). We melded our DNA with theirs, so technically modern humans are like, "Second Generation" humans, if you're using Frengo speech. And here's something I found on a Google Image search that I found funny: [img]http://blogg.umu.se/forskarbloggen/files/2013/04/Evolution11.jpg[/img] Ahhh, so true. But what I really need to nail down, is whether the Promethean race, that is, the original Prometheans at the start of the RP, are on the verge of extinction or not. I'm happy either way.