Name: Keith Pryce Gender: male Age: 19 Species: Harmonixer Room Number: 510 Alignment:Chaotic Good Appearance: he has short brown hair with a bit of scruff along his chin dull reddish brown eyes he wears a brown overcoat and a red T-shirt he enjoys wearing heavy work boots and fingerless black cloves Personality: he has an air of calm always over his shoulder many would call him a loner Bio: he is the only survivor of the whiteshire massacre not enough details are known of what happened during those days but he has a somber air on the subject Power 1: Soul Fusion, will explain in other Likes:spicy food, trees, and the concept of love Dislikes:rape, creepers, and the general population Family: dececed , Kris & Kenny pryce Friends: ... Sentimental Attachment: his brother Kris's jacket Weapon:Fists Other: Soul Fusion is a little bit complex there are two types of fusion willing and dominating Dominating Fusion: when the harmonixer stores the soul of a monster inside his heart for fusion at will giving him access to the monsters powers must have a stronger will than the combined monsters wills Willing Fusion: when the harmonixer fuses his body and soul with another living creature with intentions beyond power or self there's no fight for control since the willing participent surrendered themselves willingly the harmonixer gains the power until fusion ends and adds his essence to all of the subjects powers