[b]"Buzz off, kid."[/b] Mold shoved the kid angrily away from himself. Even if he looked young and poor, he was not going to give gold away to some newbie that can't even make a decent living. Everyone knew what they were getting themselves into before entering the game, just that they didn't know it would become real. And that doesn't give them a reasonable excuse to get free gold. It is not that hard to make some coin here. Do what you are capable of. Hunt monsters, make armors, sell your armors, do whatever, it's all possible. This [i]is[/i] real life now. The dirty and hurt kid kept bugging Mold as he loitered there leaning against the wall of an inn which seemed to always have action. It was about mid day when this kid woke him up from his daydreaming session. He kept pushing him slightly, as if trying to wake him up from a good night's sleep. [b]"Misteeeeer, please, I beg you, spare some coin for food."[/b] He kept asking. Mold put up his palm in front of himself, and out of nowhere strings of energy came circling into a form of a ball. A black ball which was now floating above Mold's palm. [b]"Look, kid. If you don't butt off right now, I am sure as hell going to shove this in your face."[/b] Mold aggressively threatened the blonde haired child. It was hard to tell whether it was a boy or a girl due to the long blonde hair, but from the voice he could tell it was a boy. He backed off quickly after, and ran away crying. The ball dispersed back into strings of energy that faded into thin air. He crossed his arms back together in his chest area, and continued to relax in the sunlight of the day. It was not long before he grew bored of this activity, and decided to pick up something new, something more interesting. Gripping his long wooden staff tightly, he launched himself away from the wall and began walking towards the exit of the town. [b]"Time for some action, I guess.[/b]