(To be edited to look nice) [hider=Alexis] [b]Name:[/b] Alexis Lena [b]Alias:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pid3cSa.jpg[/img] Lena ain't exactly your "good girl". Some say it's her personality that catches some, whilst others say that her one liners make them go crazy. But they all agree that you can't get by Lena without checking out her clothes. Definetly one of an "unique" fashion, Lena dresses up colorfully, wearing light clothing even when it's cold. Nothing hard to move in, things that can fly with teh wind's blow. Reainbow beanies, rainbow shirts and rainbow clothes are what you can find in her wardrobe. Always pretty, but not too fancy clothes, shoes that are teasing, but not inappropriate, accessories that are eye catching, but not completely weird. Her hairstyle is just all messed up, yet still maintained in a complex way, only she can understand. For everyone else it's just punk. And there is always that one chewing gum that she gets from somewhere. [b]Personality:[/b](why don't we have it, am I right?) Lena is a very flexible and hot headed person. She can get upset really quickly and dive head first into any fight. That said she isn't a big fan of needless agression against innocent people. She has a thing with being extremely judgemental. As much as she shows a smile every day, as much she wants to rage and let out all her anger. It's easy being her friend normally, but there is a time and place when you want to stand back from her. Since her powers, her eyes also glow when angry. She doesn't give crap about risks and she had natural curiosity. [b]Abilities:[/b] Lena can harness the power of Aerokinesis, the power to fully control air, wind, and different gaseous elements. All this power resting on the shoulder of one person, it's incredibly hard to master a skill that relies on the control of a constantly changing substance. From turning over billboards and trucks, to creating soundwaves, sonic booms, or even suffocating people within the blink of an eye, Aerokinesis offers a whaleload of different possibilities. It is, however really hard to do so. It requires a signifcant mental activity, which is not only very tiring for thta person, but it quickly resolves into headache, migrane and nausea if teh person is not yet in control of the wind. The more that person can merge with the flowing sensation of the air, the better it can control it's abilities, and sustain their abilities longer. Lena has many issues with this ability right now, thought she trains herself 24/7. She can lift a newspaper, or possibly throw over a cardboard box, but any bigger feat makes her nauseous very quickly. [b]Skills:[/b] -Lena is a very outgoing personality. She can easely talk her way into and out of situations, and has absolutely no problem holding a conversation for hours. -She is VERY agile, and it really is all really thanks to her training in Capoeira. With this she can easely ride her hoverboard, and get the hell outta dodge if needed. -Has experience in burglary and such. [b]Flaws:[/b] -Whilst Agile, she isn't a very though person. She might punch harder than what she looks like, but it takes only one or two hits to take her down, and lay her on the floor. -She is afraid of heights due to her accident, and refuses to go any higher than a few meters above ground. This is especially funny to watch when she accidentally goes over a ledge with her hoverboard and just starts screaming under she gets closer to the ground. [b]Background:[/b] When lena was born, her parents were on a spaceship, heading to a Martian space habitat. A high orbital station for families that could afford to see the beautiful blue sunset on Mars every 2 hours, and for those who worked all their life at Enson. Her parents were weirdos. Always about safety, and how the Martian cities are stinky and are riddles with crime. Until she was 6 Lena and her parents lived in a special habitat which provided 1G to anyone who lived inside it. Albeit very nauseous thanks to the Coriolis effect, Lena had an enviroment to grow up in, where her bones and muscles could build up, and help her the rest of her life. After that point, they moved into the station's 0G part, the biggest one, where Lena had to learn to manouver around. And practice makes perfect as they say, Lena became very good at the Zero Gravity movement. As if she did it all her life, by the time she was 8 Lena crossed the tunnels of the station at light speed. She began her studies aboard the station, destined to be a doctor. However one year later, when she was 9, she and her parents had to leave the station, as his dad was fired from Enson, and they had to move to the Planet's surface. But if life hits you once, it will hit you again. During the descent, their shuttle got damaged, and crash landed near New London's spaceport. Lena survived, so did her parents, but this event left a great scar inside her. She broke her first Sacral Cordex so she had to undergo extended therapy inside a hospital. Medicaal science could bring her kness back soon, but she still had to learn to walk once again. It was this time, she began turning into the colorful person she is now. Lena and her parents had to struggle daily, but Lena didn't want to bother anyone else with their bad life. She cheered up her parents, and just became a person you'd want to be along with. Still afraid of the area they lived in, and unable to accept her accident's markings on her legs, she started learning Capoeria. It was a long way, but eventually, when she was around 14, her feelings in her toes and kness came back, as if her body healed completely due to the extensive training. This just gave her life a new meaning, ever destined to do something, and achieve goals in life, because if you try, you are likely to succeed. Learning and training hard, sometimes going out to parties, that's how her life was spent for a long time. Well, not exactly. She had a grudge against Enson, and whilst going diwn that road, she grew to hate the USF and Lorne too. She is a rebel, and constantly goes to the riots, and break into military installations. She has gotten some basic gear to do it too. It was Lena's 18th birthday that her parents gave her the hoverboard she now calls "Rocinante". Thanks to a contract with a big corporation now they could afford to live a normal life. Lena had more time to spend, go to more palaces, and train with her hoverboard. At first people laughed at her trying and failing to stay on teh board, but soon she became quite the sight at the skatepark. The hoverboiard being a rare sight for starters, her skills soon matched those of professionals. Her body knew every move from Capoeria, and used the skills she achieved in Zero G, to achieve the perfect skating combo. Now, a few years later, Lena is the same girl we grew to love, maybe a bit more attractive, but the same cheerful person nonetheless. During teh shake of Mars she was using her hoverboard, and at first it seemed funny how people struggled to stand still, but after stopping to see what's going she understood what was happening. For a second she felt that both ground and air betrayed her since she was born. Just good old space left for her. And then when she got her powers, she was amazed. Not because how accidentally she gained them, or how cool it was, no, but because she never expected one of her worst fears to become her ally. Present date, she is living an ordinary life, with an extra. However, she has heard many stories about people going missing. [b]Note:[/b] Lena's eyes glow blue whenever she uses her abilities. A weird thing she noticed not so long ago after she acquired her powers. She can do this even if she isn't using her powers if she wants to, but it isn't a thing she toggles, rather thinks about it, and as long as it is in the back of her head, it remains glowing blue. [b]Sample Post:[/b] Will do later. [/hider]