"Mind control?" Rising her head to listen, Raven moved closer to the group. No wonder, she heard that the scene of the crimes Umbra caused had damage sometimes yes, but it never sounded like there was enough of a struggle. She found herself biting her thumb, listening to the child sleep on Tank. It was one problem after another. Than again thats what this life was all about, problems and having to fix them. Even if it was going to kick their ass in the process. Least it can be a story to tell at a party one day. "We'll have to figure out how it works, is it done through sound? Touch, sight? An object maybe? You can't just take control of someone's thoughts without a connection." Oh how she hoped it was through sight, like the basilisk. If Umbra had control over minds through sight than she would be in the clear, can't make her see a thing no matter how much one can torture her. She felt a stab of guilt at the thought though. What about her team mates? She was thinking only about herself again. Ways to get out of a situation unscaled while throwing the other's under the bus. A sigh escaping her she listened to the others, Omega demanding Ditch get some rest, causing her to reach back into her pocket. Yep, just as she thought. Banimen, horse muscle relaxor. "Ditch if you really can't sleep, I have something that can knock out Tank if you need it." She won't lie, shes used the stuff to sleep before. When under major stress before a show or climbing out of a loosing round, she finds that a dab works. Shaking her head at the thought she shrugged her shoulders. "Its harmless.....I swear." Another thing was the boy. What were they going to do about him? TB and Reaper offering, Raven began to think. "If he won't go with Reaper, I'll be willing to lend a hand, he'd probably feel safer with TB as I been seeing things. I don't mind paying for a meal or two for him. Can't let him stay with me, I live alone and am not fit to take care of a child by my self, so least I can do." Hearing the rustle of fabric, she turned her head, to most it seemed she really could see half the time. Ecto going on about leaving and thinking, Raven tapped her cane. "So long as we know the little one is safe."