[color=a187be][i][b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/center][/b][/i][/color] Annabeth was dipping in and out of conscience. Though she didn't do much physically, she was very tired from the blood she used for her magic. Even the tea only made the soreness ease up a bit, but her body was still exhausted. Yet despite how weak her body was feeling, she couldn't help but feel her fight wasn't over yet. Lyn was safe, yes. But what of Athalus? Of Keri and Alaira, and everyone else who was at the hunt? The ones who attacked them were no mere bandits. They had magic greater than what your average brigand would have, and Annabeth was almost certain that no mage trained by one of the major nations could pull off a few of the things she saw. Turning into some sort of swarm, tracking a completely invisible person and dodge equally invisible weapons, and that naga. Last she heard all the nagas were dead, at least the ones related to Mar's hometown. Annabeth was vaguely aware that there were some ocean naga's too, but nothing about the one she saw implied it came from the sea. No fills or gills, and it seemed like the fact that Mar wasn't actively fighting it meant that it went after her first. So there was some sort of history between the two, but Annabeth could only guess. And she honestly didn't really care; the important thing was that they were trying to hurt her friends. As Annabeth shifted positions and was about to take Rathel's offer to take Lyn back to her room when Colette came in. Surprised, Annabeth reached for her sword. Fortunately she realized who it was before she drew her sword and made a big mistake. [color=a187be]"Colette? What are you doing here? I thought your mission wouldn't be over until days or maybe even weeks later!"[/color] One of the reasons Annabeth didn't go into the catacombs was how long and dangerous it might have been (Doesn't help that she doesn't trust Tyrael with her life). Unconsciously she also read Colette's mind, given that the vampire lacked the wards to stop her. At this point Annabeth reads the minds of others on habit. Nearly all the Psychomancers communicate with each other through telepathy to exercise their magics, even with those who can't communicate back. It was while Annabeth was reading Colette's mind that she got a jist of what had happened: There was a big fight in the catacombs and everyone had to go back. She didn't know the details, but she knew exactly enough that a plan was formed. Walking over to Colette Annabeth bowed her head apologetically. [color=a187be]"Colette, I'm sorry to ask you to do this, but can you please watch over this girl? Her name is Lyn, and... And something happened today. She was suppose to have her first hunt today but we were attacked by powerful mages. I came to the college with Lyn as soon as I could, but I'm afraid of what might happen to the others. Please, watch over this girl, stay with Rathel, while I go back and try to help the others. If you're here then maybe I can ask some of the others who went into the catacombs with you. I know this is very sudden to ask, I promise after this you can punish me however you like."[/color] Annabeth handed Lyn off to Rathel to hold onto while the psychomancer ran straight towards the catacombs to find the others. If she had time she would get better equipment then just her sword, leathers, and bow (With half a quiver) but again time was of the essence. Annabeth was able to get to the catacombs fairly quickly thanks to being familiar with the college's underground sections, and found the entrance where most of the others were coming out of. For some reason Khan was here, as was Tyrael, who looked rather morose. But she didn't pay him any mind and immediately sought out the one person she was looking for: Ssarak. Fortunately he was near Khan and immediately Annabeth sent him a telepathic message. [i][color=a187be]"Ssarak I have very little time to explain, but something went horrible wrong during Lyn's hunt. We were attacked by powerful mages and monsters, and I don't know what has happened to the others. I brought Lyn back to the college as soon as I could but who knows how the others are holding up. I'm going to take my horse and go back as soon as I can, bring whoever can come quickly. Grey, Aramir, Darius, anyone who can move quickly."[/color][/i] Annabeth spent a moment to catch her breath, looking between the students and teachers. For some reason there was a heavy pressure around them, as if something bad had happened. But too much was going on right now for Annabeth to investigate. As quickly as she left Annabeth returned to the surface were Samson was waiting and mounted him. He had a few scratches, nothing that would stop him. Cooing him as she directed him back at the gates she snapped the reigns, sending Samson through the gates as they opened up. [color=a187be]"Let's go Samson!"[/color]