Yeah, Division is a pretty broken spell looking at it. The limitation that you can't interact with the outside world while it's active would be fine, if it also constantly drained energy keeping it up and prevented you preparing any other abilities. But that doesn't seem to be the case, so the only thing I could determine is that it should be able to be pierced by a spell of sufficient strength. I mean, you could say 'well I snuck this ability through so lol I win' but that would be really bad form. Because in its current format, it has no practical limitations what-so-ever and there's nothing in it that suggests you couldn't also prep new abilities while inside, so long as they don't interact with the outside world until you were ready. Even if it did render you completely cut off, considering its lack of cost it would still be wildly overpowered for it to literally stop everything. Still, there's not much I can say, as Divinity did technically agree to fight the ability. I'd have asked for clarifications on its traits, so it couldn't be abused, but I have trust issues. *Shrug* Anyway, I'm rambling far more than usual because it's 4 am and contrary to popular belief sleep is actually a necessity. Still, it was an interesting conversation, even if we just went full circle.