Vanessa tried to stay calm, she wasn't a wolf but something on her body did burn. It was the scar, she bit her lip and closed her eyes. Lesley grabbed an ice pack and threw it towards Vanessa as the door suddenly opened and she heard Drake for a short moment. Lesley grabbed Angel's leash and leaded the dog to the living room. ''Okay so.. We have one new wolf for the family.. two outside trying to kill my boyfriend and we can do nothing?'' Lesley asked. Vanessa laughed some. ''Yeah, that is right'' she said. [color=aba000]~ Okay.. But please be careful.. Not just with yourself, also with Tams~[/color] Vanessa thought and looked at Lesley. ''Oh.. And I hear the guys in my head...'' she added. Lesley looked at her and raised an eyebrow. ''Life sure is never boring with you around'' she said. Tamara screamed from the pain and when Ralph took over from Xaven she looked at him. ''I don't wanna hurt you...'' she whispered as he helped her with the water. When taken away from the water again, she closed her eyes and just listened to them around her. She could hear everything... She suddenly even could smell things she couldn't before. She eventually opened her eyes again, seeing Ralph in his wolf form. She was shocked seeing him but, something told her it was him. ''Ralph...'' she whispered and right before her bones started to break and her body started to burn more, she let out a whisper saying: ''You look cute...''. Then, after another twenty minutes, Tamara changed. Her last scream changed into a growl and a [url=] pure white wolf [/url] stood in front of Ralph and Xaven. She was wobbly on her feet. The pouch with wolfsbane had broke and fallen on the ground. She looked at Ralph, confused. [color=f49ac2]~What... Wait... am I... Am I a WOLF ?!!~[/color] Drake would find himself attacked from behind and in a little bit of trouble when suddenly Marcus ran around the corner, still human but not for long. Be changed in a jump and got the guy away from Drake's back. He wasn't alone, before Drake could really get up, a grey female joined them. It was the female they had found on their land before. [color=aba000]~What will we do?~[/color] Marcus asked and actually looked toward Vanessa who stood in front of the window, watching. Vanessa gave him a tiny smile. [color=aba000]~Chase away, but don't kill... If you kill, you will not come inside this house ever again~[/color] Vanessa said. Marcus nodded and looked at the female next to him, he shared his thoughts with her as she wasn't a accepted member by Xaven, Vanessa couldn't hear her voice.