Also about the barrier, it cuts off oxygen for Myron, so he cannot stay in it for a prolonged amount of time unless he creates holes in the dome. (Thus creating weak points.) Otherwise there are certain types of magic that should effect the wall. (Not saying what! You sneaky sneaks.) And there is a much easier way to destroy it... buuut I kind of disabled the easy route. (Stop it Daz, don't give them hints!) Okay, okay! Mr. Bracketed version of my typing. I'm saying that some of Myron's runes WON'T count as powerful preps whatsoever, but more like semi-quick-cast spells. Since he is good at creating large pieces of text, it should be safe to say he can up a spell count, whilst simultaneously focusing on one important prep at the same time. Otherwise, honestly, based on how his magic works... all of his spells require preparation, and he's always been skilled at preparing multiple things. This bugs you... and I've been very strict about what I want out of this fight, so now I'm willing to give up points that would otherwise benefit myself, to show mutual respect. Although I see it as illogical when applied to certain runes, I'm willing to dim down the force behind his minor spells, if they are quickly conceived. There is however the issue of him perhaps being able to prep multiple things, but doubling the amount of time it takes to actually activate them. Or, the very common thing he does, which is to completely delay a prepared spell for prolonged amounts of times, then ready it a certain away, in which it'll suddenly count as a prep when it was not originally. I.E. The laser eye. He had the rune formed before, however the actions he used to aim it, sense the surroundings, and activate it, would suddenly make it count as a full attack prep.