Girard was pleasantly surprised when the boy felt comfortable enough to let go of Ditch and then come over to him after the story and cling to him instead. After Ditch had asked him to keep an eye on the little guy he loosely put an arm around the him if anything to make him relax a bit more while he looked up to see the others. He caught Omega's gesture with a return smile rather happy with the turnout though he could hear and feel the kid's breathing slow down, poor guy was probably going to fall asleep right there after everything that had happened which was fine for now. The big guy gave a quick nod to TB and once he was sure they're guest was asleep he lightly wrapped him up in the jacket and adjusted the kid so he was in his lap propped up against him. He had been passively listening to Ditch talk about what she found, not to mention that she hadn't slept which was a little upsetting, but what was concerning was the fact they were now dealing with mind control and a pretty powerful employer by the sound of it. Needless to say it was not exactly well received by Tank who was particularly concerned for everyone's but his own well being mostly. The thought of ending up causing damage and injury to them or innocents and being unable to control himself just wasn't acceptable at all. After all he had more than idea of just how bad it could get if someone like him went off the rails for any length of time so he was all for having a plan to either at the least prepare for it, or if it was possible, negate it. Who knows if maybe that bracelet might be important later since it was the only other thing found besides the boy, he wasn't unaware of the risk of discovery but getting out wasn't the issue necessarily. The argument between TB and Wraith ever so slightly ruined the mood though he said nothing more willing to let Reaper speak her piece about how to take care of the kid than speak up not wanting to wake the boy up currently. It seemed like there were two options as of yet with both Turn Back and Reaper stepping up though he didn't know how it would go either way. Girard wasn't sure how well he would be able to contribute all things considered because although his apartment and money wouldn't be an issue, his workshop would be mostly off-limits and his work schedule was only going to be consistent for a bit longer until the theater was done being renovated. Leaving the little guy alone for hours at a time and ending up having to stay quiet around the residents most of the time didn't sound healthy. With all of it reasoned out it would end up being between his team mates where he could go to stay. He heard something from Raven Tale about something that could knock him out for sleep issues, he might later admit to being a little curious as to what the stuff was exactly. Also Ecto suggesting breaking up for now and getting rest which normally wouldn't be a bad idea but the little man had to be dealt with for the time being so that was that. "I'd be willing to pitch in some money, don't think my place would work out in the long run so its up to you two I guess." Girard said quietly spelling out his position on the issue ending with a glance between Turn Back and Reaper.