[hr][center][h1][color=steelblue]Ashton Holloway[/color][/h1] [img]http://cdn-static.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeek/files/styles/insert_main_wide_image/public/terminator2.jpg?itok=qz_NC5F_[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Newnan [b]Interacting With:[/b] Newnanites, Zoie, Maria [/center][hr] Ash's native Virginian accent was somewhat more pronounced; it tended to flare to greater intensity when he was stressed, tired, or a little bit tipsy. Today's events definitely qualified as stressful. In comparison, Zoie's south Georgian accent seemed to engulf the very air in front of her. Perhaps today, Ash wouldn't be so self-conscious about his rural background. His momentary annoyance at the presumptuous behavior of the new lady was sidelined by the new information she brought to the fore. The invaders from "Eden" had pulled away, leaving a few stranded. Ordinarily, a skillful commander would allow for a point of escape; an opposing force with no means of egress would become desperate, dig in, fight as people expecting to die. According to Zoie, however, these men would be desperate anyway, filled with a need to return to their home but fearful to do so emptyhanded. Unwilling to leave, afraid to return. Yay, fanatics. That was just the cherry on top. Thinking back on it, Ash was honestly surprised they hadn't run into an Apocalypse Cult before. [color=steelblue]"Never heard of Eden. Sounds fun."[/color] he remarked in a hollow voice, as if his mind were partially elsewhere. [color=steelblue]"Gimmie a minute, before we're out."[/color] Ashton got a distant look as he stepped toward the body of his former commander. Leann died in defense of her home, even if it was unawares. At least she was granted a quick death, and would not rise. For many, that was as good as one could hope for. She deserved better. At least it was clean. He knelt beside her and bowed his head, silently saying his goodbyes. Sentiment over, Ash gathered the formidable woman's armaments; her 9mm, clip and knife, then paused. Reaching out gingerly, he removed her rank insignia - the silver oak leaves that marked her as a Lieutenant Colonel in life, and a lifetime ago besides. He put them into a cargo pocket, rose, and saluted the fallen soldier. Ash found it almost humorous, really, that this was almost exactly how he got his last promotion. It dawned on him suddenly, that Leann's death put him fully in charge. This was his show now, so long as he could keep it together. When he agreed to follow the Lt. Colonel's lead and put his own people under her, it was under the proviso that if the Newnan situation did not work out, they would continue with his original plan to trek it farther south and find a nice island somewhere. Maybe that would happen still, but by all that was holy (and a few things that weren't), it was going to be [i]their[/i] decision to make. Some random asshats and a downed wall weren't going to chase them out of their home. No matter what happened after this day, they were going to take their town back. Sorrow, loss, fear, fury; all of the emotions of the day swirled within him. His psyche was divided between the Man and the Soldier, the Soldier being what he thought Newnan needed. Maybe Ash was wrong. He needed these feelings, needed to care about the people around him. Cold, distant, yeah. That was just him. Time to put away the bullshit defense mechanisms and start pushing back, with every tool at his disposal. [color=steelblue]"It is with heavy heart that I relieve Lt. Colonel McCormick of her duties."[/color] he said, turning back to meet the faces of those present. [color=steelblue]"The moment Vivian is awake, please tell her she is now the acting Second. When Caesar is done with that other Doc, let him know that he takes MY place on the event of my death. If I go down, I want a warrior leading the charge." "Zoie, thank you. I will defer to your experience. You want to flush them out while the Dead still roam the streets? Hell of an undertaking. Give me your thoughts on how."[/color] Before she could begin, Ash raised his index finger, emphasizing a last-second thought, [color=steelblue]"So long as that plan has us stopping by the Armory first. If that's their primary, I want in there ASAP. The toys in there will help make these Eden-people's lives very short and interesting." "James can give us cover from up high, during. Maria, I want your bow up there, too. And Maria, please,"[/color] he handed Leann's walkie out, and tapped one on his belt, [color=steelblue]"Let's keep in touch."[/color] Ashton set Leann's handgun and knife on a nearby table. [color=steelblue]"Anybody needs a weapon, better take 'em. Leann wouldn't want people in danger out of sentiment." [/color] [hr][center][h1][color=firebrick]Black James![/color][/h1] [img]https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/avatars/6AE78329E91063505631975227392_pic-r-1396533712688c4afde8ecf.jpg.jpg?versionId=ZnGOSit0zozlhxpJk0w6QVx4cSozVRdq[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Newnan Courthouse Clocktower [b]Interacting With:[/b] Sidd [/center][hr] James took the weapon from Sidd with a small amount of awe. Yes, this was a fine rifle, wielded expertly by the lady who, until earlier today, was the best long-range shot they had. Now, James was good. The best he knew personally, until he met Alicia. James hoped that he would do his fallen friend proud. He set his Barrett aside for the meantime and checked his new acquisition. This would be a better choice for the work he had to do. The Barrett, to be frank, was WAY too much gun for a simple point & click. This weapon was designed to be anti-personnel. His own was made to silently explode engines from two miles away. Too much gun can sometimes be as bad as not enough. Sometimes. This was the better tool. He looked through the scope, adjusting for various factors. James even found a bit of flotsam blowing in the breeze to test for wind direction and speed. Then he set to scanning the area, taking a look for people that didn't belong. If he could deliver a quick and quiet lead lobotomy to one or two of the interlopers in the meantime, all the better. While making his scan, he spoke aloud to Sidd, [color=firebrick]"Young sir,"[/color] he began in a thick Georgian accent, [color=firebrick]"You ain't no mere Weapon Delivery Boy. You a solid Weapon Delivery MAN. An' I mean that."[/color]