<[b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/3047/posts/ooc?page=1#post-35305]OOC[/url][/b]> [img]http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/e7E9SS-X4YY/hqdefault.jpg[/img] "Vote for whoever you want, it's a free dictatorship!" [B]Nation Creation: [/B] - Let me know you need rolls; I will hand you the stats for those items that are randomly assigned. - Create your character using the trait systems below -- pick a trait from each category. The thing is, I kept the descriptions skimpy, but there is a law of unintended consequences attached to the various options. Positive and negative modifiers are given for each item (even the flaws) but it is a matter of me knowing and you speculating...that's to maintain a whiff of Murphy's law in this whole situation. [hider=Background][B]A. Background[/B] - Before entry into politics, the leader was somebody...he was only born once, so only choose once. A/1. Moscow/Leningrad University The leader attended the University of Moscow and rubbed elbows with the Soviet Nomeklatura. A/2. Harvard/Yale University The leader attended Harvard Univesity in his youth and got to know America's best and brightest. A/3. Miner The leader worked hard in one of the world's most dangerous professions. A/4. Farmer The leader is part of the salt of the earth, born to a farming family that tilled the land for subsistence. A/5. Biblical scholar The leader's upbringing was formally religious; within the Church (probably Catholic). A/6. Man of the People The leader organized and marched with the people as a union member fighting for workers' rights. A/7. Booze Baron The leader was in the alcohol business, particularly brewing beer and distilling rum for export. A/8. Leftist Author The leader's written work is inspiring to the left in his home nation and abroad. A/9. Fortunate Son As the heir to a political dynasty, the leader's name is associated with greatness, good decisions and inspired leadership. A/10. Self-Made Man The leader came up from humble beginnings and made it when the odds were stacked against you. This is impressive. A/11. Silver Spoon The leader was born rich, well-educated and never wanted for anything. A/12. Generalissimo The leader was a professional military officer. A/13. Chief of Police The leader was the nation's top law enforcement official. A/14. Developer The leader had a career in real estate development, commercial primarily. A/15. Naturalist The leader is noted for his background as a keen enthusiast for his nation's natural beauty. A/16. Professor The leader one of the nation's foremost educators and intellectuals. A/17. Pop Singer The leader had a very successful career as a singer, giving him a devoted following in other countries as well as at home. A/18. Athlete (soccer, probably) The leader had a career in sports, possibly representing the nation in the Olympics or the World Cup. A/19. Travel Agent The leader was in the tourism business prior to becoming the leader of his nation. A/20. War Hero The leader distinguished themselves on the field of battle. A/21. Oil Tycoon The leader was prominent in the petrochemical business prior to his ascent to power. A/22. Secret Agent The leader was in the espionage business prior to taking power. The details are classified.[/hider][hider=Rise to Power][B]B. Rise to Power[/B] - This choice explains how the leader took power...and also sets certain expectations for the type of government and the way the people view el Presidente's regime. Choose (one) wisely. B/1. Communist Rebellion A demand for a fair distribution of resources to all brought the leader into power. B/2. Capitalist Rebellion The demand for a free market system brought the leader into power. B/3. Fascist Rebellion The demand for societal order and discipline and a leader to guide the nation brought the leader to power. B/4. Elected as a Socialist The leader ran on a platform of nationalization of the economy and won. B/5. Elected as a Fascist The leader ran on a platform of militant nationalism and won. B/6. Elected as a Capitalist The leader ran on a platform of free market reform and won. B/7. Elected for family values The leader ran on a platform of morality and support for families and won. B/8. Military coup The leader came to power at the head of a coup backed by the military. B/9. Religious Appointment The leader was given power through the auspices of the Church. B/10. Installed by KGB The KGB funded and assisted in organizing the leader's coup. B/11. Installed by CIA The CIA funded and assisted in organizing the leader's coup. B/12. Bought the Election The leader used personal wealth (or the wealth of benefactors) to outright buy the election. B/13. Heir apparent The leader inherited the positon from his predecessor, who may or may not have been a relative. B/14. Corporate Buyout A large corporation or a conglomerate of corporations bankrolled the leader's rise to power.[/hider][hider=Qualities][B]C. Personal Qualities[/B] - These are the leader's primary personal strength. Choose one. He's not that great of a guy, to be honest. C/1. Charismatic The leader can move the people with his words and demeanor. C/2. Hard Working [I]Incompatible with Lazy Flaw[/I] The leader has a powerful work ethic; the leader is the first one up and the last one to bed. C/3. Financial Genius The leader understands the principles of effective economic policymaking. C/4. Green Thumb The leader is an agricultural expert. C/5. Administrator You know the ins and outs of effective management. C/6. Diplomatic The leader has a great ability to conduct negotiations with other nations and represent the interests of the nation abroad. C/7. Empathy The leader can feel people's pain; he can connect to most folks, or at least appears so. C/8. Entrepreneurial The leader knows how to make the most of his economic opportunities and how to strike deals with businesses. C/9. Incorruptible The leader does not have a Swiss Bank account. What he does is out of a sense of obligation for the nation, and this is well known. C/10. Scholarly The leader's erudition is well-known and well-respected. C/11. Athletic [I]Incompatible with Lazy Flaw[/I] The leader is noted for his active lifestyle. C/12. Well-Travelled The leader has had extensive contact with other countries on a personal level. C/13. Sociable The leader is adept at making small talk and mingling with the crowd. C/14. Patriot The leader is well known for his heartfelt patriotic sentiment; the nation comes first for him, always. C/15. Populist The leader's passions reside with the common people of the nation.[/hider][hider=Flaws][B]D. Flaws[/B] - Pick one. D/1. Kleptomaniac The leader can't keep his hands off the treasury. D/2. Philanderer The leader is well known for his indiscriminate sexual tastes. D/3. Compulsive Liar The leader and the truth have a very awkward relationship. D/4. Ugly The leader is ugly, and posters and placards of the leader are avoided. D/5. Alcoholic/Addict The leader's fondness for certain substances is well known. D/6. Flatulence The leader's unique odor is not to the liking of all. D/7. Compulsive Gambler The leader enjoys gambling...and the treasury is unfortunately on the hook to pick up the tab. D/8. Paranoid The leader is tinfoil hat paranoid. He doesn't merely believe that Jews are plotting to take over the world through financial markets; he thinks they do so at the behest of aliens. D/9. Coward The leader is known for his cowardice, it is a matter of public knowledge. D/10. Moronic The leader is not merely suspected of idiocy, it is well known. D/11. Short-Tempered The leader's temper is a thing of fearful legend. D/12. Pompous The leader cannot stop talking about himself, much less listen to others. D/13. Compulsive Vulgarity The leader compulsively swears, even in public addresses. D/14. Cheapskate The leader's corner-cutting is well known, as is his lack of concern at the consequences of such corner-cutting. D/15. Religious Zealot The leader's religious mania is well known. D/16. Great Schmoozola The leader has extended his hand in friendship to all...perhaps over-enthusiastically and with a great deal of insincerity. D/17. Jingo [I]Incompatible with the Diplomatic Quality.[/I] The leader is confident that the nation has nothing to learn from anyone else about anything. D/18. Lazy The leader is known for waking up late and going to bed early. D/19. Madame El Presidente The nation is run capably enough...through the leader. It is his wife that rules, and this is the subject of ridicule abroad and distress at home. D/20. Popular Leader in Exile The leader's most dangerous enemy is out there, gathering resources and may return at a given day soon. This is a constant source of consternation and political division within the nation.[/hider] Once you've done this, it's time to do the rest of the nation...there are parts of this sheet that will be determined with complete randomness. You will create an island nation and also write some cultural details, but things like what sort of resources you have, including the military, will be rolled randomly. No, it's not fair, but yes, it ought to be interesting. [B]Name:[/B] [I](Such as England, the United States of America or France)[/I] [B]Demonym:[/B] [I](Such as English or Americans or the French)[/I] [B]Description: [/B][I](A summary of your nation goes here; basics on what's going on and what the country is about.)[/I] [B]Government:[/B] [I](Type; Monarchy, Communist, Tinpot Pissditch Dictatorship, el Republico Bananos etc. The last of these gets extra style points -if- el Presidente wears aviator sunglasses, a gold braided peaked cap and the currency has pictures of palm trees and parrots on it)[/I] [B]Head of State:[/B] [I](Extra style points if the title is "El Presidente.")[/I] [B]National Anthem:[/B] [I](Srs or not, up to you. Extra style points if some sort of Salsa hit or Latin jazz number or it's Elvis)[/I] [B]National Religion:[/B] [I](Since we're using a slightly alternative Earth feel free to use real religions. Or come up with a zany one.)[/I] [B]Population:[/B] [I](Number, roughly; the cap is at 4 million. Don't bother trying to justify any sort of military mini-maxing on the basis of population, that's all random.)[/I] [B]Geography:[/B] - [I] (If you want to name mountain ranges and the such, feel free.) [/I] [B]Demographics[/B] - [I] (Languages, ethnicities, religions and so forth.) [/I] [B]Notable Locations[/B] - [I] (An overview of important cities and other locations, merely list these places and fill in the blanks later.)[/i] --- [i] All of these are randomly assigned by me, using rolls and tables. Have fun! :) [/i] [b]Primary Economic Sector:[/b] [b]Secondary Economic Sector:[/b] [b]Abundant Food Resources:[/b] [b]Abundant Non-Food Agricultural Resources:[/b] [b]Abundant Mineral Resources:[/b] [b]Army:[/b] [b]Navy:[/b] [b]Air Force:[/b]