[center][color=violet][h3]Grayson Stevens[/h3][/color] [color=violet]Location:[/color] Callaway Hall, 3E [color=violet]Interacting with:[/color] Chance Calhoun [@McHaggis] [hr][hr][IMG]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZHN3c9wYqFrxJuDA0AJFNAnKbGS93_gVdInSLa9Mvn6Emf_3wrw[/IMG][hr][hr][/center] The Talking Heads? Grayson pulled the suitcase up onto his bed, before slipping his shoes off and crawling up on the bed, folding his legs underneath him as he began to look through his clothes. [color=violet]"I can't really say I heard them, but I've heard [i]of[/i] them,"[/color] was Grayson's response, rubbing his neck slightly and giving a sheepish smile to his roommate, [color=violet]"But hey. If you've got some good music, go for it, man."[/color] He mentally decided that he would look up the Talking Heads later. As if his music back-log wasn't already large enough, sure, but why not? Nothing wrong with even more music to listen to, he figured. However, he almost jumped slightly when Chance undid his headphones, but was moderately surprised that it was at a pretty reasonable volume. Pretty catchy too, he had to admit. [color=violet]"Pleased to meet you,"[/color] he nodded to the much taller boy, [color=violet]"I'm Grayson Stevens. Err, I hope we get along!"[/color] Was that what roommates said to each other? Sorta? Kinda? When Chance asked if Grayson was a dance major, Grayson's eyes widened as he said, [color=violet]"Oh, God, I hope not. I don't really want to get kicked out for putting a hole in the dorm wall or something."[/color] He laughed slightly, mostly to signify that he was joking. Mostly. [color=violet]"I'm a drama major, actually. Broadway instead of film, particularly musicals,"[/color] he explained, a bit of pride swelling in his chest for actually getting to offically say that, before asking, [color=violet]"Are you a music major? Or like, do you just like to sing or?"[/color] Grayson looked unsure, but it seemed pretty safe. Or an artist or something. He guessed Chance was at least one of the two.