Narissa shuffled into the classroom with blue foam slippers, fuzzy leopard print pajama bottoms, and a black and white wind-breaker zipped right up to the top. It was supposed to be Spring, but the weather seemed to be going through it's rebellious punk phase. She nursed a large cup of iced coffee from the small cafe in the student union. The class was only half full so far. Dark bags hung under her eyes from more than one night of not getting enough sleep, but that was not uncommon among many of the students showing up later to the class. However, some students were clearly morning people. Smiling, laughing, chatting with friends, clear alert eyes. '[i]Fuckers...[/i]' She grumbled in her thoughts. She made her way to a few familiar faces in the middle of the rows, sat down, and pulled out a couple pencils and a pen from her jacket pocket. She sat back her chair, leaning it back on two legs until it's back rested on the desk behind it. This was a comfortable position to take a nap, and that's exactly what she planned to try. Sleep had been extremely difficult for her lately; Her dreams were so vivid they gave her headaches. Even as she shut her eyes, she couldn't help imagining a bird's eye view of the classroom. She relaxed into vaguely watching what her imagination or subconscious was deciding to give her, not really paying too much attention to anyone or what they were doing. However, the teacher started passing out papers in her dream, and the stack was passed from student to student along each row until it arrived at the form with leopard print pants laying back in her chair. The guy attempting to give it to the girl tapped her knee with the stack. Narissa jumped slightly as something hit her knee, the chair lurching forward back onto all it's legs. Her vision was flooded with bright light for a few seconds before things focused and she was able to pick out details again. The guy next to her held the stack of papers out for her, an expression of sympathy on his face for the girl, who obviously needed one, just trying to get a small nap in. She took the stack and passed it along, and kept one of the stapled packets for herself. Any thought of what just happened slipped away as she started leafing through the pack of papers, each page draining the life straight out of her with the amount of questions each one held. The teacher started going through instructions for during and after the exam was done, when the classroom door opened quietly, and closed with a bang as pretty much all the doors on the campus did. '[i]Ughhh skinny jeans, how does anyone like something that tight...[/i]' She groaned in her mind as soon as she saw the poor late girl standing there. But that's where her interest ended, replaced by a mention of the last episode of Lucifer from her class acquaintances she sat with. "Hey didn't I say before it was cause of her? I was fucking right," She jumped into the conversation, pulling her chair forward as the late girl scooted along the row. Her bag brushed the back of Narissa's head and pulled a lock of the long reddish brown hairs out of place. She grimaced a moment, smoothed it back down, then pulled the whole mane over her shoulder on second thought. "...And remember, this counts for fifty percent of your grade, so take your time and don't bullshit your answers. '[i]Salad[/i]' is not an acceptable answer, Mr. Dodson," The teacher finished up his instructional lecture, and drew a chuckle from the students. "You have two hours. You may begin."