[center][h1]Clara[/h1][/center] [hr] Finally! School was out for the day. Clara loved school, but she loved after school even more! For... numerous reasons. Though she still hadn't joined a club, perhaps she could. Wandering the hallways would probably be a good way to do that. And flicking every seventh spot on the wall was character building. What? How did she know which spots were seventh spots? How do you not know? Regardless of spots, very soon Clara came upon something right up her alley. In a classroom she heard the most wonderful sound, a speech of noodles. Not only were noodles both delicious and nutritious! Maybe. But this seemed a perfect opportunity! Clara burst into the classroom, the door would slam into the wall, regardless of whether it were open or closed. Looking around, she would locate the one screaming of noodles. He wouldn't be too hard to spot, and immediately Clara would drop to one knee in front of him, and grabbing the bowl, would continue the trend of inane rambling with references peppered in "To noodle or not to noodle! But where art thou noodle! Up a tree? Or down a hole?" Here, Clara would take a noodle and eat it, chewing it slowly before spitting it out in disgust. "Oh wait, that's a worm. Blegh." The Blegh would be drawn out, dramatic, and yet deadpan in its delivery. Clara's eyes would lock with the person she was kneeling before. As if challenging him. But not. It would be a weird, unnerving stare. And how he would interpret it was entirely up to him. [hr] [@Lucius Cypher]