[b]Name: [/b] Alvira Royston [b]Nickname:[/b] Shinigami, or 'Shi' meaning Death or Spirit. [b]Age: appearance[/b]: 19 [b]Actual:[/b] 109 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Reaper [b]Weakness:[/b] Does not deal with any magical force well when used against her, can be killed with one strike from the death scythe or energy can be drained with a sharp blade until she retrieves another soul. [b]Powers:[/b] Can have access to Heaven and Hell, experts and tracking down bad or 'rotten' souls. Can alter the way humans see the Reaper. [b]Performing role/Primary Position: [/b] Trainer [b]Secondary position (Optional):[/b] Acrobat [b]History before circus:[/b] Alvira has seen any type of death you can imagine, she's was a lonely dark soul who roamed the earth and took other people's lives to save her own. But now with all the deaths in the world, she doesn't need to do the dirty work. Not anymore. She wasn't always visible to humans, she thought it would only cause unnecessary troubles for her, she would get people begging for their lives which were already drifting away from them. She didn't hate that life, she quite enjoyed it actually. It gave her a taste of all of the different opportunities, all the experiences that people endure in life. Of course, the job didn't give her happiness either, whenever she would take a soul she would have to take the burdens and emotions on too, quite problematic. She was never free and never will be. She understands that. Being a Reaper has it's consequences. At least she was never hunted down, yes hated by many, but she could never be hunted down. She's like a possession of death, you can't take her to her death if she's already possessed by it. She never tries to go into great detail about it, she gets confused herself but she just goes along with it. She's always been with death, and always will be. [b]History in circus (Unless just joining):[/b] Alvira hasn't been at the circus long enough to brag about but long enough to have earnt a reputation. She never mixed with people unless it's about something worthy of her time and she always practiced numerous acts which gave her great inner peace with herself, until she feels her power draining. Then she'd become isolated and nobody would see her for hours. When she returned she would be reasonably approachable, not that people approach her anyway. [b]Personality:[/b] She has character, whether that's a good thing or not, well, that's for you to decide. She never in a good mood, only a reasonable mood at the rarest of times. But what else can you expect from a reaper? Alvira loves to watch people suffer, she find some kind of amusement out of it but she won't have the fire inside of her to fight anybody, after all, she's pretty much dead inside. But there is some kind of aura that tells people to back off from her,she actually quite likes the isolation. She can feel at some kind of peace. [hider=Appearance:] [img] http://www.designdim.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/46-Latest-Collection-of-Apple-ipad-Wallpaper/dark-girl.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Other: [/b] I love ice, nom nom nom nom nom