Del looked up to the woman who had walked in. She explained he had dropped some sort of computer component last tuesday. He took it off of her before thanking her and trying to figure out what the component was for. He couldn't see any primary use for it so he stuck it in his back pocket. He got up, moved to the kitchen and got a glass out from one of the cabinets near the fridge. He then took out the carton of milk in the fridge and poured it into the glass before putting the carton back in the fridge. After that he moved back to the living room, flicked on the tv and began to channel surf until he found something watchable. Sports, reality, cooking, boring stuff like that flicked past until he found what he was looking for. It was an old film from the early 70s 'patton' it was called. It was about the old military general by the same name. Ever since Del left the army he had made it a hobby of researching old wars along with their commanders. The tactics of certain battles interested him the most. He admired leaders like Stonewall Jackson, Robert the Bruce and Napoleon. If he wasn't researching or reading in his spare time, he would often make reinactments of certain battles using small models.