It was slow work, traveling through the forest, trying to avoid drawing attention. It took a long while of creeping for the entrance to disappear from sight. Travis took a moment to look over his head, noting the lack from of sunlight. Occasionally a twig would crack somewhere in the distance, or a rustling could be heard as something crept by. Travis had a feeling that they were staying just out of his view. It was enough for the hair on his neck and arms to stand up. Sweat collected on his brow, and he wiped it away impatiently. If they were attacked, he couldn’t be half blinded by his own sweat. He seemed to lose track of time even though there was a clock on the HUD. With each step, it became obvious that it was getting darker. In the distance grunting, and footsteps could be heard. Travis’ heart jumped his throat. Sebastian commented something, but in the confusion the words were lost in translation. All the mercenary knew is that they were now barreling through the woods. He used his shield to assist in deflecting the briars, and hastened to stay on Sebastian’s heels. The worst thing that could happen would be getting separated. What they found instead was another interesting class. She was lightly armored, with hardly any weapons. Yet a spider lay dead at her feet. Travis had to admit he was impressed. She looked worse for wear, the poison of the spider whittling away at her health slowly. He was about to offer her a health potion, when Sebastian beat him to the punch. As it was Travis continued to keep his ears peeled, occasionally peering into the woods surrounding the clearing. Constant Vigilance! He quoted from one of his favorite book series from back in the other world. They were sitting ducks here, and Travis hoped that they could avoid running into a group of these spiders. Not bringing a healer had started to seem more like an amateur idea. What if something terrible happened? There was no respawn point. He swallowed hard feeling a lump form in his throat. Still though, if they could get away perhaps he could give them ample time by being the distraction.