Ellie dropped her jaw at the sight before her. She had expected the young Eulalie, but not the half a house she brought with her. She quickly gathered that the extra girl was some kind of servant. She glanced at Snow, who merely sighed and looked to the floor. Non-guild members were not allowed in the hall. Surely, Snow would have explained this to Eulalie, her companion couldn't come with her. "Um...Eulalie, dear, our group is very exclusive. I don't have the heart to turn away your friend, but she'll will have to live and work here in the brothel, then. She is not allowed in the back rooms with us." Ellie frowned. She really didn't want to be the bearer of bad news. If it was her call, she would gladly welcome the young servant, but as it was there were rules to follow. Only guild members could be allowed access to the hall and Paul knew exactly who was a member and who was not. He'd keep the girl out, even if it meant he had to drag her back out into the rain. "Well, I see you'll have your hands full. I have to talk to Belle about something. Good luck." Snow was so coy as she spoke. As much as she hated having to go out and collect the new recruits that Merlin found, she hated babysitting them even more. She was ecstatic when Merlin appointed Ellie as the official trainer. It meant Snow could focus on her guild duties and stop dragging snot-nosed brats through the mud. She laughed at how literal the statement was. They've dealt with nobility before, but this girl took the cake on prudish. Much longer in the carriage and Snow might have left her in the rain somewhere. She caught the manly voice from up top and turned to look up. "For the love of...put some clothes on Devin and get down here! Seems like your training is finally paying off." "Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Red [i]and[/i] Devin are to come back today. Well, I'm going to take our newest member to her room and you two can meet us in the tavern." Ellie smiled at Red and Devin. She loved getting to welcome members officially to the guild. Many of the higher ranking members believe that you aren't truly part of the Kingdom Guild until you strike out on your first hunt. She looked back at Eulalie. Usually new recruits had a few months to adjust, but Merlin insisted she get the girl out in the field ASAP. Proper introductions would have to wait. "Let's go see your room. You can leave the bags. I'll have Paul bring them back later. I'm sure Red or Snow can find accommodations for your friend." "Oh yeah, because I got nothing better to do. Red can show the servant around." Snow marched back around the counter and disappeared into the Guild Hall. Ellie gave an awkward smile to all of them and led Eulalie back into the hall.