[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RixcpNj.jpg[/img] [h2][color=000000][b]It is over.[/b][/color][/h2] [h3]The world humanity built for itself, selfishly and brutally upon the delicate surface of the Earth, it is destroyed. We were not strong enough to accept our failures, though we were not the only ones who had the power to fuel change. Sickness and disease carved through the human population, surgically cutting through the nations of our civilization, only scratching at the surface of our inherit weaknesses. For too long we had allowed ourselves to become fat and deluded, convinced that drugs and medication would be below us at all times, a soft floor to fall upon. We were wrong, as with many other things. Our bodes could no longer hold bacteria at bay, viruses infiltrating our numbers in the millions every day. Billions have died. Hierarchies tumbled and money became a thing of the past. Fuels and electricity became a much more valued commodity. Every Man, Woman and Child had to fight for their own existence. Death was not only dealt by natures wrath, but by man. Nuclear detonation became a fiery secret, burning through every community. Though it was not so, despite the ill will many leaders held toward each other they refused to doom the world entirely. However, from their ivory towers they sent missiles and military excursions in hope of scraping more scraps back for themselves than their enemies. Through out the fifteen that have passed since then, nature has taken a vine-like hold upon the once animated and artificial cities and streets of our species. Grass growing tall, trees wide and brush expansive - green covers near every surface. There are some who would see themselves lifted back up towards their high tops, to look down upon the rest of us. Others are content in a simpler, be it more dangerous way of living. Then there are those who survive, and know that no matter their opinion, nothing will change without action. [/h3] [hr] Earth 2037. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Tt6pHtC.jpg[/img] Mankind has been brought to its knees, though slowly recovers in the New World. You will embody a survivor, one born into the turmoil of the Green Age or one that has to live with the comparison of what was before. Nationality, gender and age stand for nothing. The New World will not discriminate or tolerate you one way or another, all are doomed to die, but some will live longer than others. Welcome to the New World. Now, play your part in our Convalescence![/center] [hider=CS] [color=fff200][color=f7941d][u][b]Character sheet Skeleton[/b][/u][/color][/color] [b]Name:[/b] [i][Where you were and what happened around when things began to fall - IE a short paragraph describing the occurrences around your character when the world fell to 'chaos'.][/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Fears, likes and aspirations - then everything psychological in between. [b]Description:[/b] Appearance, distinctive visuals, physical traits or mannerisms - once again, everything physical and visual in between IE phenotype etc. [b]Possessions:[/b] Objects that serve no real purpose. [b]Equipment:[/b] Items of use and practicality. [b]Notes:[/b] The most important section. Extra info goes here, and this is where you can edit and keep an almost diary of the character as time passes throughout the RP. [/hider] [hider=Rules] 1. Don't be a dick. :toot 2. Don't God Mod. :what 3. Have fun. :sun [/hider]