Hey, all. I won't go in to crazy detail, because nobody likes reading long-winded posts, but I'm interested in doing a Tales From The Borderlands fandom RP involving Fiona and Rhys (with myself as Rhys and m partner as Fiona). I want romance and plot for this, sex could happen, but it isn't required (though I'm no stranger to it at all, I'm much more interested in exploring how they interact romantically and in writing a good story). I have a few rules for this, so let's post them real quick. 1. Thread, PM or email only. Thanks. 2. Descriptive partners only. That means 3 paragraphs per post, typically. Sometimes more, sometimes less. 3. Give back as much as you get, try to contribute and have fun. As for the story itself, we have options, which we can discuss in PM. Could take place during the game, could be after it, could be some alternate timeline, whatever. And while we'll be focusing on Rhys and Fiona, it's important to understand that each of us will have to pull some weight in contributing to the story and playing other relevant characters too. If you're interested, PM me. We can figure something out. Thanks!