Kimiko Saitou is a burger girl. She has ordered a grand total of five burgers (eight patties) from Eastern Shikatsu's third most profitable McDonald's. Rarely has she, with her finicky stomach with cravings as rare as blue moons, been caught eating a burger. This does not mean she scavenges for them in dumpsters or off tables like Nosferatu. She usually just doesn't want a burger. She wants fries. And a soda. She has a burger boy. If you ever saw him outside of a uniform, you might want him too. [color=00a651][sub](per[s]sona[/s])[/sub][/color] Pizza is for people who like waiting long enough for their food to eat three burgers. Pizza is for those masochists who crave the feeling of food they once loved slowly turning to mortar in their mouths, turning labors of love into [i]chores[/i] to eat. Hardening mozzarella. Drying sauce. Dough so chewy you could utilize it for a field amputation. Fuck pizza, and its robot heralds. So sayeth Kimiko. So sayeth Daisuke. [color=00a651][sub][i]Persona[/i][/sub][/color] Even now, pizza brings its seductive brand of harm to the masses. Buzzsaws with two dozen meaty areolae slice through bone like a poet's wit. The crowd disperses at the advance of a heady cloud that assaults her senses - ravaged them, sauce and blood and screams ringing around her head. She stays. So does Daisuke. In the smoke, with a hundred synthetic surly eyes like floodlights cast upon him, he was bathed in gold. He was an angel come to the city block. An archangel. God's own cleanup crew. He stands like one. You know him well. You know he'll fight until God calls him back and gives him a slap on the wrist, kicks him out again; until the sting of the rebuke leaves him and he fightssome more. Fights for all eternity, constant like a season. Spring, summer, miyamoto, fall, winter, [s][color=00a651]Persona[/color][/s] warm, hot, hottest, cool, cold, [color=00a651][s]coldest[/s][/color] That's been known to make you want him a little too. [color=00a651][i]Persona[/i][/color] He's fighting them. Kimiko makes no illusions about her combat prowess. Robots had no balls to bust. She can't really take on sixty [s]four[/s] oh wait, three, with her limited fight training. All she knew how to do was... [i]Keep your thumbs outta your fists.[/i] An old psalm, given to her by a Samaritan with bloody knuckles and a smile he had to bite down on to force. Kimiko's heart flutters at the thought. [color=00a651][i]Persona.[/i][/color] Daisuke knew what to do, clearly. Kimiko can follow his lead, at least. Or...can she do more than follow? It is Kimiko who makes the decisions. Says where to go. Steers Daisuke to his slice of heaven, even on his off days. Whenever she's not in a school uniform, Kimiko Saitou is a burger girl [i]who wears pants.[/i] Just like her mothers taught her. A card shimmers to life. She hasn't played with them since childhood, but she remembers the basics. [color=00a651][i]Dragons beat Machine-types. Death to Bandit Keith.[/i][/color] It glows blue, a hot blue that comforts her rather than scalds. Blue like neon lights over a slice of heaven. There's something crystalline about it - like there's something crystalline about Kimiko. But the majority of crystal never breaks, and as much as her burger boy is good for (student discount 10% off when you wear your uniform come back and see me for your soda tonight kimiko) Daisuke had never taught her how not to break. Nor have her mothers - the pride of Boston and the queen of Kobe had been good for so much, for each other and for her, but those dyke queens have failed to impress on her how to stand strong on her own. Somehow, she knows what the card is for. What it says about her. And it says, [i][color=00a651]I know. You were fine the whole time. Don't sweat it. Don't forget we have breakfast all day now if you ever get tired of just fries. Can you get breakfast all day at Burger King?[/color][/i] She knows what she wants now. [color=00a651][i]I want all day fries here please.[/i][/color] Daisuke already heard her swear it down. She wants to prove herself. Assert herself. Be as constant as he is. She wants to prove that you can pick up fighting the good fight whenever you damn well please and still fight it better than a pizza robot. She wants to start smashing cogs in their organized dinner-delivery machine until they break before her like the Legion at Algiers. I will show you fear in a handful of fist! [color=00a651]"Per-"[/color] Daisuke turns. [color=00a651][i]"-son-"[/i][/color] She swears she sees a hint of blue when she crushes the card. [color=00a651][b][i]"-aaaa!"[/i][/b][/color] She swears she sees the moon in the sky, hours early. She feels beautiful. The way her mothers are beautiful, like Daisuke's golden glow, she feels like [color=00a651][i]such an idol[/i][/color]. [color=00a651]"K-Kaguya-hime..."[/color] The alien princess. Queen of the misfits. Empress of all. [color=00a651]"Just like me, Kaguya-hime..."[/color] Her gaze focuses on the pizzabot she had her eyes on. The legionnaire at the front of formation. The one she swore up and down about. [color=00a651][i]I will make you mine.[/i][/color] The way she makes all else hers. Is Daisuke watching? [i][color=00a651]"Marin Karin!"[/color][/i]