Plot : The army of the long lost Chaos lord is now rising from the shadows of hell and into the darkness Valley to destory the forest as a whole. It up to the tribe members to chose their paths, fallow your heart, fallow what The great spirit has given to you and never lie to yourself. When darkness meets and shadowy wings the vale of a temple shall be bright, the world above them is ready but is the tribe ready to face such a threat? Welcome to the world of Tumik, a beautiful planet-wide forest covered by a mass of dense flora and tree life. Some sections of the planet holds fairly large lakes the planet is also riddled with large caves that support the animals of the forest. The emergent layer of the forest consists of large trees, the canopy has slightly smaller trees that block out sunlight making it appear dark, the canopy also criss-crosses dead trees along it as well, creating pathways for the tree dwelling animals The understory consists of the large roots of the emergent layer's trees, many roots shaped in a unique ways, inadvertently creating beautiful arches at times. The forest floor holds many unique and beautiful types of flora that survive the world despite there being no light. Many of the world’s flora share a symbiotic relationship with the trees. The world was made in 27 days by a noble pegasus spirit named Great spirit known as the goddess of the world she is never seen by many people. The untamed wild [img][/img] The tribe clearing [img][/img] The Great spirit temple (hidden from animals for longest time, now its starting to appear) [img][/img] The Creation spring [img][/img] {where The great spirit can create creatures from the sacred water that runs through the place, this water is sacred mess with it or drink it you going to have a very very bad week as the water in here if not used by a noble heart will cause a animals blood to boil and send them into a madness like no other, hilusnation and other side effects are possible} The Forest Jungle [img][/img] { this is a more jungle like part of the forest, there are a lot of flies, hungry animals and deadly snakes everywhere. This is a part of the forest no one wants to be off guard in for the nature in roots and tree's are said to be alive} The ring of tree's - [img][/img] {Ring of tree's is a spot where Tribe and loners and other creatures can meet up, its said to be the spot wher the great spirit was born and where she made the world. These tree's are alive so be careful and don't insult nature.} Darkness Fog forest - [img][/img] {The large dense forest that covered in this deep fog that only animals of evil or darkness can go through} Darkness Valley [img][/img] {the large 160 miles of dark valley that belongs to the army of the Dragon of Chaos, a forcefeild of shadows around it to keep unwanted pests out of it} The Cave of Chaos - [img][/img] { This mountain reaches over 40 miles up, the middle point is where the dragon is imprioned inside and causes deep earthquakes, the cave entrance is covered in lightning, shadows and holy flames} The cold air of the morning passed by the great white tiger that slept in the shade of a cool tree that towered over her. the tigress was not something that someone would pick a fight with because she was large and eyes gave a scary look to them. she watched the cool spring air pass her by in the large confounds of the shadows of the world. she slowly gets up and stretched her large paws claws flexed out and arched her back slightly. She walked off in the cool morning crisp air and drank some water before going to a large sunny rock in the large clearing where she would catch the sun rays and purr loudly content on the sun. this tigress was named Seril the chief of the tribe of the lands. Someone rather famous to the lands around her she was not to be threatened without a death wish of the animal. Her eyes closed as she listened and dreams of a better life for her tribe. She woke up after ten minutes and was ready to go on her regular patrol of the massive amount of land she called home. She walked through the entrance of the camp and came down the very rocky slope easily her paws caught fire burning the rocks causing some rocks to turn into glass from the heat. Gates was already up and flying around the massive golden griffin flew through the air with graceful speed. His golden wings opened up to allow souls inside and humming the souls of dying animals erased into his wings and he comforted them inside to make sure they were safe and sound. he smiles as today picking was good as the souls of the animals he had found where great souls no bad deed had been done to them or tainted their spirits. He gatekeeper of Hell flew down to the gates of hell and opening his large wings he allowed the souls to go inside the gates and now they were no longer in his control but also as gatekeeper he had to catch souls that break free and return them back to hell where they belong. Gates looked around the dark plains of the shadowy lands of the Darkness valley and looked down slightly and huffed. He slowly started walking away flicking his large lion tail. This griffin was about 6”3’ being a griffin he had a lot of special qualities to him like flying was easy for him and he could talk with the souls he had in his wings. He loved his brother Hades still but he knew he couldn’t change his brother who deemed an evil dragon as a master, oh how much he wished to have his brother back. He walked away sadly his wings folded up and glowing golden color causing dark creatures to run away from him, because without a gatekeeper the world would be in trouble and the creatures couldn’t have this happen Deep in the heart of the forest a temple glows, for the first time in over 4,680 years this temple showed itself it was sacred temple of the great Spirit. The Pegasus of the creation of the world. The great spirit had a name but no one knew what her true name was not even the smartest creatures alive. The pegasus of creation smiled gently as she had put a shield of holiness around the temple only the good of heart and pure of mind could enter or see this temple of the pegasus. Her golden armor around her back and edges of the wings cause the sun to glin off her wing armor. She was unable to be killed by many things because she was old mare and very very smart creature. Her power is creation she can make things from nothing but like creation it has a bad side and caused things to disintegrate. She had done it before to three animals and unlike dying animals they were completely erased soul and all, it was awful way to die but yes that was harsh but if you ask for forgiveness she would forgive any animal and give them a chance to prove themselves worthy to her to be alive. The pegasus walked to a stream in the temple and bathed in the cool crisp water to clean off her armor and her mane and tail, her golden hair flows in the wind as she bathed in the stream of freshness. yes it was water but in this temple the problems of the world from you where washed away to calm and caress your body to ease stress and other functions that could harm your mind and judgment to become a deep fog. Deep in the lands of Hell a roar shrieked across the lands as the imprisoned creature thrashed around like crazy. this dragon with blazing pure red eyes and chaos rose around in hell caused souls to cry and become crazy this was the lord of Chaos, Ferki. He was chained away in the shadows of hell away from animals and creatures, though he was chained he keeps himself rather calm at times. He was chained down and kept there with blazing golden holy chains that kept him down. he was trusting the guardian of hell to free him from the prison of shadows and light. Ferki lays himself down darkly his massive whip like tail lashed side to side agitated with anger and annoyance that hades couldn’t find the spell to free from from this trap. The lord of chaos had faith in Hades always but it was starting to vanish as the guardian of hell seemed to be having a hard time. Scythe walked through the dark valley her dark coat made her nearly impossible to see or sense as she walked along slowly her paws making no sound. Her white small mane shines around her neck falling into her face as she walked her eyes glowing looking around. Thanks to her lion attributes she was able to be a lot more flexible than a dog or wolf, she also have amazing speeds. She walked into the base camp of Ferki and sat down in her large tent since she made an armor for the creatures that were laced with acidic poison to cause harm to anything that touches them, even if a claw or weapon touched the creatures backs or armor the poison would race to the attacker and cause much agony. Syeoil flew through the air with great ease as she was very witty young mare with alot to say about guys and how stubborn and hot headed they seemed to be all the time. They thought they were something, so great and powerful they forgot who actually did most of the work the girls since they bore them children, take care of the kids, watch over the house and mostly do everything. Thats why she hated guys and stayed away from them. Her eyes glow dark orange and she shifted into a large white feathered dragon with a strong tail and feathers sharper than steel. she flew across the grassland and then spotted someone hurt, a blue marked dragon who looked like his wing had gotten badly injured. She hated guys but she couldn’t ignore an injured animal and flew down and landed few meters away from him “Are you Alright?” she asked cocked her head, she must have sounded so stupid but didn’t care if they guy gave any smart response or called her dumb she would leave his sorry ass to die there. Tryuis was asleep near a river his lightning fur crackled and snapped around him he had burned some grass that was around him and opening an eye he saw the world around him was still as bright and stunning. he was on the edge of the border line and went to the stream he was near to drink some water his golden spotted fur shining brightly in the sunlight that streams around the stream since there was barely any tree’s around. He lapped up some water slowly the electrical current that went through the water not effecting him at all as he was made 80% electrical part in his body. thats how the great spirit made him and he was thankful because every time a thunderstorm came he would ride the lightning bolts through the clouds happily.