[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Calliope%20Cross&name=KGNoRegretsSketch.ttf&size=30&style_color=ADD8E6[/img][/center][hr] She was on her third lap now and Stevie Nicks was halfway through crooning, ‘[i][url=https://youtu.be/6ul-cZyuYq4]Go Your Own Way’[/url][/i] when Calliope noticed she was joined by another runner. His ginger hair was the complete opposite of her own blue tresses and he was [i]huge[/i]. At five feet and eight inches she wasn’t exactly what most people would consider short by any means, but this man made her look like a midget! [i]’What’s the proper protocol when somebody starts jogging next to you?’[/i] she thought, mind racing as they fell in at an even pace next to one another. [i]’He’d want to at least be acknowledged, right? That’s a thing that people enjoy,’[/i] Calliope finally decided between pants, raising a hand to give him a quick wave. [i]’Wait, what if he thinks I’ve waving him off? Is that rude?[/i] She hesitated, then gave him a large, possibly manic looking smile. [i]’Crap, I showed my teeth! Animals think that's aggressive, do people think that as well? He doesn’t think I’m going to eat him now, does he!?[/i] the woman fretted, turning her head to wipe the sweat from her brow onto the strap of her tank top. When she straightened back up she gave him a smaller, hopefully less creepy smile. [i]’Nailed it,’[/i] she thought proudly. [i]’I’m passing for normal!’[/i] The stranger kept up with her brisk pace, which caught her off guard some what. It wasn’t often that the big, body builder types focused on their cardio at all. They passed a large hemlock tree just in time to see a tall woman in a red beret...stalking a flock of pigeons? [i]’...Is that normal?’[/i] Within the blink of an eye the other woman charged forward and Calliope only has a split second to brace herself before it happened. [i][b]”FLY, MY BROTHERS, SHOW THEM THE MEANING OF HASTE! SHE WANTS OUR TASTY TASTY BIRD MEAT, DO NOT GIVE HER THE PLEASURE OF DEVOURING IT! WE MUST GO QUICKLY, MY FRIENDS, EMPTY YOUR BOWELS LEST YOUR FECES SLOW YOU IN YOUR RETREAT! AIM FOR HER HEAD AND TEACH HER THE MEANING OF FILTH AND DESPAIR! SHE WILL RUE THE DAY SHE ATTACKED OUR FLOCK! DEFECATE ON EVERYTHING SHE HOLDS DEAR!”[/B][/I] “Ah!” Calliope exhaled, coming to a stop to rip her earbuds out and rub at her ears. The flock leader’s shrieking continued to ring out shrilly as the birds made their getaway, causing the blue haired woman to wince slightly. The vet student squinted down to try and figure out what had the birds so worked up, only to see that they had been pecking at a egg sandwich. “Sick,” she murmured under her breath, her chest still rising and falling rapidly as she tried to get her wind back. They had been eating eggs! While they hadn’t been fertilized, the pigeons had still been eating the children of their avian cousins, in a weird way. Ugh, that thought made her queasy.