All right, sorry to have left you waiting. I had some problems finding the time to write: busy days are busy :3 Let me know if there's something that needs smoothing/correction/[s]termination[/s]. [hider=Tyler Martin][b]Name:[/b] Tyler Martin [i][Where you were and what happened around when things began to fall?][/i] Despite being born in 2011, he has very few memories regarding the world before the fall. A normal kid, he would tell you, with a loving family and a promising future, or at least it had seemed. However, one day, his parents never came back home from a visit to the local clinic. After a week of fear, hunger and peril, the only one who came back for him was his aunt, Alex Martin, who brought him to an hidden military facility located in the mountains south of Seattle. Thanks to her status of militar researcher, she saved him from a certain death. As the virus unraveled civilization around them, the little community managed to survive through the darkest days of the Fall, thanks to rationing and careful planning. To be specific: internet survived for almost a year, during which they backuped what they thought to be of utmost importance; external energy supply lasted three years, but by then they had managed to become self-sufficient thanks to the installation of solar panels taken from a nearby inoperative plant. The water supply never ran short, thanks to the strategic positioning of the facility. Even a small underground greenhouse was created. Eventually all communication with the US government stopped, and from then on the community was kept under strict and over-bearing check by the stationed military squad leader, Henry Stevenson. By declaring quarantine, he effectively sealed them inside the base: no contacts with inhabitants of the outer world, no visitors nor commerce were allowed. The soldiers had to shoot on sight. Those were the days when the words "For the greater good of humanity" started to sound rather bleak to Tyler's ears. On his account, though, for the first years it was like nothing had changed. He continued to play, read and generally mind his own business, occasionally shoved aside by busy adults. Being the only child out of twenty people, nobody deemed either necessary or appropriate to share with him news of the exterior world. Most questions remained unanswered till his sixteenth birthday, when he began to partake the burden of everyday production and maintenance tasks. His aunt had looked after him, revealing herself to be a decent teacher in every subject matter; nevertheless, he needed answers, and she reluctantly revealed the truth behind the death of his parents. As the years passed, Henry's mental health steadily deteriorated, and became gradually more obsessed with keeping everything under control. The situation became direr, and when a small group of dissenters sneaked out of the facility stealing great quantities of food he banned any unauthorized access to the storage vault. Only the conjoined efforts of the maintenance and the ex-research teams could make him change ideas. Henry, though, would never recover from this first insubordination. He tightened his grip on major resources, sending dissenters to impossible recon missions outside the facility. It was at the eve of Tyler's 21th birthday that his leadership ended, when he shot Alex due to a breakdown after she had voiced the general dissatisfaction. In less than a day his rule was overthrown, he was imprisoned. Before any steps could be taken to to prevent the recurrence of similar events, under obscure circumstances someone opened the containment fields of the dangerous materials stored inside the bunker, going as far as putting some into the air filters. The result was the extermination of the remaining inhabitants. Only Tyler managed to survive, being at that time his turn to keep watch. He remained completely alone, grieving over his aunt and friends, constantly hallucinating from the chemicals that exponentially filled the air. Unable to access the main building, food quickly ran short, and even the water started to taste rotten. Eventually, he realized that if things had kept going that way he would surely have died. Thus he patched the wheels of a rusty bike he had previously found in the military garage as best as he could, grabbed a few supplies from and exterior warehouse and left for the woods. He is currently heading towards the ruins of his hometown, Eatonville. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Personality:[/b] (fears, likes and aspirations - then everything psychological in between) Tyler has never recovered from the truth about his parents and would always strive to make a perfect man out of himself, working towards stressful self-imposed goals, thinking of himself as the right person for everything. Despite that, he is genuinely interested in lending an helping hand to others, while obviously keeping an hard-to-melt behaviour. He believes himself to be a rightful person whatever he does, and his often stubborn and full-of-himself attitude draws people away from his opinion, although his bright and intuitive mind could be helpful. The law of Murphy and a "romantic" logic rule his life, and he will always be pessimistic on the outcomes of any poorly thought plan, or astonished and bewildered by a particularly wondrous and suggestive atmosphere. Indeed, even if he may seem harder than a chuck of wood, he likes to have fun with his friends and is quite romantic and coy when it comes to romance. He knows he has a tell for when he's lying but nobody has ever told him which was it. This quite unnerves him. [b]Description:[/b] He has a squarish face, with overall masculine features like high cheekbones and a wide forehead. Large and narrow "puppy" eyes, as he remembers his mother defined them, light-blue coloured. His time underground has kept him from tanning his skin, which remains slightly pale and smooth with very few fading traces of acne on the sides of the cheeks, as of date. As to further decrease the roughness of his aspect, there are very light freckles under his cheekbones and sprinkled on his shoulders. His light brown hairs were always kept short as long as he remembers, with facial hairs always shaved; they don't grow fast anyway, so it's an easy task. Generally athletic and fit, around 180 cm tall, in fight he doesn't rely on raw force but instead on the swiftness of his build. That doesn't actually mean he can't throw fists at somebody, he just prefers not to since he doesn't handle pain as well as experienced fighters. [b]Possessions:[/b] -Camouflage warm waterproof jacket, with detachable hood. Four zip pockets. -Black warm waterproof trousers, with two zip pockets. -Warm scarf and blue and gray waterproof walking shoes. -Warm grey beanie. -Dirty blue and white checked shirt. -Dark grey hoodie without sleeves. -Cheap geonaute digital watch (still functioning). -Photo of him and his mother before the fall. -"Alex Martin" name plate. -A small hard-disk with one tera of data stored inside. -Empty lighter. -Two pairs of blue boxer briefs. -A notebook with a pencil and an eraser. [b]Equipment:[/b] Weapons: -A pair of bike deadbolt keys. -A military knife. Food and medications: -Two 500ml plastic bottles filled with water. Two canned beans tins. A plastic bag of close-to-rotting beef jerky. A package of fruit hard-candies. Five expired chocolate energy bars. Patches and a jar of almost expired -antibiotics. Miscellaneous: -Cheap Geonaute self-charging torch. -Bike deadbolt. -Black urban bike. A bit rusty. Patched wheels. Requires a road. [b]Notes:[/b] -He is incredibly fascinated by the old world and is quite knowledgeable of computer games culture and ancient history. -Despite the end of civilization, he is has an above-average education thanks to his particular upbringing. -His aunt's biology lessons, combined with the training received, greatly boosted his survivability. In fact, he is a fast runner and an experienced climber, and can even start a fire. Hunting is not his best skill, but he's able to recognize useful herbs and edible roots or berries. With some training he might even produce simple drugs. -Drawing has a soothing effect on him. He believes it originates from one of his few childhood memories, in which his mother drew for him while singing. -His favourite colour is blue. -He is vaccinated or immunized against the nastiest diseases known when he was child. -Tyler never wanted to take swimming lessons when he was a kid. Now he pays for his ubris.[/hider]