[i]A safe place you say?[/i] Jason wasn't sure what he thought about staying in once place. But the idea of a group of them instead of just being alone did appeal to him. [i]Perhaps meeting up in person would be a good first step, I'm quite interested in meeting you all,[/i] Jason couldn't wait to see what kind of abilities they would all have. It would also be nice to finally interact with some other people. Since he started his travels he spoke with some locals and other tourists where he went but he never formed strong bonds with any of them. It was a simple hello, some other small talk then they were on their way. He didn't mind being alone, but sometimes he wished he could spend his time with someone else. Maybe even settling down eventually, picking his favourite vacation spot and just staying there. But now he wanted to meet these people, he addressed the girl who originally called out to them all, [i]where are you right now? I'd like to meet up,[/i] he wasn't sure how this telepathy ability worked so these people could be right next to him or half way across the world. At any rate, wherever they were Jason would get there. He finally had a goal, instead of just wandering around he knew where he needed to go.