"Uncle got you a present, dear! Open up!" Those were the words that would bind the nineteen year-old's curiosity every single time. The simple terms "uncle", "present" and "open" were what made the person, whom for the next few years would play the role of "Row'tu", instantly smile no matter what. The eyes of this individual gleaned brightly as they lay their eyes upon their latest present from their uncle; yet another new and amazing piece of technology that never failed to excite. This time, it was the Full-Dive Virtual Reality Gear. "Aaaah! This is so awesome! Thank you, mum! Thank you, uncle! Thank you so, so much!" "Ah, come now, anything for family, am I right?" The uncle chuckles heartily. "Why don't you go upstairs and plug yourself in, hmm? I got you an exclusive game with it, too: SAO: Shadowfall!" The to-be support Mage bowed and gave a quick series of thanks, before rushing upstairs to plug themself in. They absolutely needed to start playing, right now, and be one of the first! It was a compulsive need - a desire which couldn't be left untouched. ... Row'tu may soon come to regret having that strong desire... [hr] [center]Flashback = END[/center] [hr] Row'tu spent quite awhile in creating herself - forming her character. However, she eventually came to be a half-Elve Mage, whom she would eventually modify to support others in combat. She could've gone with flat out cleric, sure, however Row'tu felt it was a lot more unique to support others by restricting the enemy than by aiding her team. After all... there were clerics for that, right? Jumping straight into the world of Sword Art Online: Shadowfall, Row'tu's breath was robbed of her lungs as she entered a new world - a new dimension! The sight and view before her was breathtaking, and it seems she wasn't the only one impressed by the graphics of the VR system. A notification made itself apart in the corner of her vision, and she reached out into the air to try and read it... "Success!" She accidentally found herself saying, before she began reading the contents which the letter housed. "A gift from the GMs for newbies? Aren't they kind?" She whispered to herself in a curious fashion, the question being more of a statement than anything else. Having read the letter and retrieved the beginners tools, Row'tu took a look around. A proper look this time. ... She was awe-struck, still. "This... is amazing!"